Sunday, 16 October 2016

Anguish of a soldier - As shared

*Pained to share with you the politico-bureaucratic dirty game once again.*

Post 1971 war a very hard blow was inflicted on Armed Forces wherein *pension of soldiers was reduced from 70% of last pay drawn to 50% of last pay drawn.*

Now, on the same lines, after having saved face of Modi and the entire nation by conducting surgical strikes inside Pakistan, Armed Forces get a *gift* from Modi Govt. of degrading the Services.

As per Govt notification dated 30 Sep 2016 a Lt Gen even if disabled 100% during combat will get Rs 27,000 as "disability pension" while a Secretary to Govt of India, even if by fall from his house, gets 100% disabled will get Rs 67500. Earlier this amount was same for both ranks.

Don't you think that's a tragedy !!!

Soldiers who went across didn't go with an intention to get any reward... They wrote last letter to their loved ones, to be posted if they don't return.

Was it necessary for the Govt. to announce the "downgrade" right after surgical strikes?
Notification dated 30 Sep 2016.

*You have been making messages in support of Modi and the Surgical Strikes viral. Request you to make this one viral so that the cunning bureaucrats are taken for the task.*

You know that it's only military where a person is likely to be rendered 100 % disabled in the service of the country and not a babu.

*Morale of the soldier has to be kept high; you never know how many surgical strikes will be needed in future!!*

Friends you decide whether you want a political Army or a Nation loving Army.

Thank You

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