Thursday, 16 June 2016


21st of  June will be observed as the second international day of Yoga. Last year denizens of   various  countries from  across the globe participated in the mega  event. The entire world  assumed the form of a Yoga Mat.  The science and practice of Yoga is a tremendous  contribution of India to the entire humanity and the world. Yoga means Yuj or  union. This  implies  the conjunction of the human body with the divine self.
Yoga is not merely a set of  physical exercises to lose weight and tone up the body but an exploration of the  human mind  which not   only involves practice of   of Asanas ,  but lays  prominence on breathing techniques, meditation, observation of silence  and proper intake of Sattvik food  to rejuvenate the human body.
The human body is  a precious gift from  nature and the divine. It needs to be properly nourished and maintained. Yoga lays specific emphasis on practicing non-violence and utterance  of the truth. Our seers and important leaders like Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar have all  stressed on these aspects of Yoga besides making the body supine  and combating pestilence.  The seeker in order to assimilate the esoteric knowledge of Yoga  needs to maintain utmost purity to practice the eight fold path of Yoga as postulated by Maharishi Patanjali.  And purity can be achieved only through proper intake of food, adherence  to the principles of truth  and  reposing faith in the Divine . Yogis techniques can be  imparted only by a qualified practitioner.
As per our traditions  Maharishi Patanjali is regarded as the  divine incarnation of the serpent Anantha, who is revered as he provides the bedrock  for sustenance of the universe.  He is the Adhisesha of Lord Mahavishnu.
It is believed that on instructions from a great teacher, Patanjali identified all the teachings in the Vedas about the mind and presented them in a precise and organized form called ‘yoga’.
Patanjali’s yogic  system aim to unite the individual self with the Supreme One. According to  Maharishi Patanjali, the union can be achieved  by controlling and eliminating the ever- arising ‘vrittis’ or abberations  in  the mind. He also suggests that the mind, in turn, can be controlled through the right kind of discipline and training.
Patanjali says that there are certain  basic obstacles pervading in  the mind that are not conducive to yogic  practice. These obstacles are as under:
1. Antarayas (intruders in the path of yoga)
2. Viksepasahabhuvah (co-existing with mental distraction)

A seeker needs to overcome the obstructions through resoluteness  while sporting a    smiling face needs  practice this science.

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