Friday, 17 June 2022

*challenges* - Posted By Gautam De

 *challenges* - Posted By Gautam De

Once upon a time long back, I was grappling with a very difficult situation in my life and I did not know what to do. I was at the Canadian retreat on a walk with Guruji and wanted to share w him and seek his advice. As I was about speak, a lady came right between us, with a sense of urgency. I gave her space, but her words floated towards me. She showed a picture of a young man to Guruji. With an extremely helpless look, she said to him that her son was in Jail. He got into a fight with some one and…she paused and could not speak any more. Guruji helped her complete her statement and asked that he killed him? She made a feeble node to him. There was moment of silence between them. And then w her head bowed and hands folder, she asked for something. Of all the things she could have asked for, she said him “guruji, can you please get sudarshan kriya to him in jail?”. I few moments later she moved away and I found myself walking right next to him, w almost no one around. But I had no words to speak. I was still astounded by what had just happened. I didnt say or share anything to him. From that precise moment, there has been a fundamental shift in how I handle challenges. There is this deep sense of assurance that I already have the best gift and wisdom to handle pretty much anything. And I know, I was meant to be in that very spot in that very moment.

I dont know her, never saw her face or met her. But once in a while, the memory of this mother floats by. The one who in the most challenging time of her life, asked for the highest freedom, from the one who can bestow it. And I bow down to her supreme wisdom!!

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