Monday, 18 April 2022

A Guru Story:

 A Guru Story:

Emotional moment today interviewing Dr Eberhard Baumann for a book we are writing on the pioneers of Art of Living.  The pioneers are the earliest people who were Gurudev's hands and feet in different parts of the world, doing his work and carrying forward his vision, at a time when nobody knew who Gurudev was.
I first met Eberhard in Rishikesh early in 1998 when I was a newbie in the movement with a hundred questions and doubts.  I was a journalist at the time and naturally suspicious of spiritual organisations and 'gurus'.   Yet, the Art of Living course had touched my life deeply and when I first met Gurudev, I  thought  here was the simplest and wisest man I had met in my whole life.
Eberhard and many other Europeans and Americans had come to Rishikesh for the International Silence Program that Gurudev was conducting then.  Eberhard had a kind and friendly face and I found myself talking to him at every opportunity I got.  I learnt that he had met Gurudev when they were both with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the TM movement and when Gurudev started Art of Living, Eberhard joined him to help him every way he could.  He was much older than Gurudev and called him Ravi in those days.
Why did you, a doctor, become a teacher of meditation, I asked Eberhard.  He told me that as a doctor he knew the science of healing, but now he practised the Art of Healing that was much more powerful.  I was very impressed.
I then confided to him that I was really worried about becoming a part of a spiritual organisation.  I had a good life.  A husband and children and a really nice life in Dubai. Why would I complicate it by getting involved with a spiritual organisation especially when I have read and heard so much about all the controversies surrounding spiritual organisations.
Eberhard then told me that the difference here is that we have a Living Master.  And our Master is pure.  So long as the Master is pure, you are safe.
That was a turning point for me and the rest, of course is history.
But the reason, I am sharing this story is because it's been 25 years on the path, taking on multiple roles of leadership within the organisation.  Like all organisations and conglomeration of people and situations, our organisation has its fair share of challenges.   But, as Ebehard promised me, since 'the Master is pure,' I would be safe.   And that has been my experience in the deepest sense.
Satyam Param Dheemayi.  The uniqueness of the Highest Truth is that it exists and remains unchanged at all points of time.  
Talking to Ebehard on this zoom interview about the early days, brought old memories rushing back.  As I post this message, I recognise that he was the catalyst in a cosmic plan for the beginning of my journey with a Living Master.   And thus the emotion and the gratitude. By Rugmani Prabhakar

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