Monday, 24 May 2021

Question and Answer with Gurudev

*Q:* How do I know whether I am in the right or wrong profession? Is it natural to feel reluctance or disinterest to something we were earlier fond of? Please guide *Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:* I tell you, every profession has its ups and downs. Sometimes you will like your profession; later on, you do not like it. Ask a doctor, or an engineer, or a politician about this. At some point or the other in their career they all feel frustrated. They do not like their profession sometimes and feel they should just quit. Why? It is because you experience a burn-out. *Why does the burn-out happen? It is because you never went into the other dimension that is deep within you. If you take some time off regularly, at least twice or thrice a year to attend a Silence workshop and the advanced meditation in Silence, you will find that you are recharged. Your enthusiasm comes back, and then any job you do, you will do with the utmost responsibility, keenness and awareness. You need to revive your spirit and that can only happen through meditation.*

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