Sunday, 14 March 2021

In the movie _Taare Zameen Par_


In the movie _Taare Zameen Par_

The art teacher tells the rude and cursing father of the dyslexic kid about *Solomon Islands..*

In those islands, the tribal don’t cut down a tree. *They surround the tree and curse it for hours every day..*

Within a few weeks, the tree
dries up and becomes dead..

Many of us might find that example too difficult to believe. How can intangible and invisible thoughts and words kill a tree.!

Well, if you get to read Bruce H. Lipton’s THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF, you won’t only believe in the Solomon Islands story, but would also think a dozen times before saying something demoralizing to yourself and the people you love..

In this book, Mr. Lipton tells in detail about the *power of conscious and subconscious mind..*

_The subconscious mind is million times more powerful than the conscious mind, and decides most of the things in our lives according to the beliefs it has.._

Many times we fail to change an unpleasant habit despite our will-power and consistent efforts..

It’s because the *habit has been so strongly programmed in our subconscious mind that the efforts made by our conscious mind hardly make any difference.*

*Conscious Mind is just a shadow* *of our Unconscious Mind..*

So, when the tribals of Solomon Islands curse a tree, they are actually installing negative and harmful beliefs in the tree’s emotion (yes, trees do have emotions too).

_Within few days, those negative emotions becomes a belief & eventually changes the molecular architecture of the tree and kill it from inside.._

2500 years ago, when the Buddha said that *‘You are what you think',* he was not articulating a random philosophical theory.

Actually he was telling a scientific fact which is now proved correct by Quantum Physics and Molecular Biology.

*If you are a parent and you keep cursing your child in the name of constructive criticism, you are installing beliefs in their mind which will keep harming them forever..*

*But if you keep appreciating them in a sincere way, you are installing beliefs in their mind which will help them entire life..*

And also be careful of what
you keep saying to yourself.

Repetition of words and thoughts is the best way to install a belief in your subconscious mind..

If you keep saying you are a loser,
don’t be surprised if you become one within a few months or years..

And if you have friends who keep saying such things to you, there is no harm in saying a quick goodbye to them..

May be you value the friendship a lot. But you must value yourself a little more..

So accept all as they are..
Love all unconditionally

And ...Always keep saying to yourself..

*I am healthy, wealthy, happy, successful & prosperous!*

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