Sunday, 21 February 2021



Pleasant morning 🦚 

Someone once asked the Buddha how come his disciples, who lived a simple and quiet life with only one meal a day, are so radiant and happy. The Buddha replied: "They do not repent the past, nor do they  brood over the future. They live in the present. Therefore they are radiant. By worrying over the future and brooding over the past, fools dry up like green reeds cut down in the sun.” Between “what was” and “what will be” there is a vast space called “Now”. It’s your true home. So forget the past, for it is gone from your domain! Forget the future, for it is beyond your reach! Control the present! Live supremely well now! This is the way of the wise.” 

Most people do not know how to live in the present moment and they lose it. The present becomes past and the future becomes present. Because they do not live in the present moment they live either in the past or in the future. Though they seem to be doing something now, here, they live somewhere else in their thoughts, in their imaginary problems and worries, usually in the memories of the past or in desires and speculations about the future. Therefore they do not live in, nor do they enjoy, what they do at the moment. So they are unhappy and discontented with the present moment, with the work at hand, and naturally they cannot give themselves fully to what they appear to be doing. 

Every tomorrow is determined by every today. Do rigorous & vigorous Sadhana & attain freedom, which is immortality or eternal bliss. The divine within us is stronger than anything that is without us. Be not afraid of anything. Rely on your own Inner Self, the Divinity within you. Tap the source through looking within. One should remain as a witness to whatever happens, adopting the attitude, 'Let whatever strange things that happen, happen; let us see!' This should be one's practice. Nothing happens by accident in the divine scheme of things. 

We cannot escape life however we may try. As long as we live, whether in a town or in a cave, we have to face it and live it. Real life is the present moment and not the memories of the past which is dead and gone, nor the dreams of the future which is not yet born. One who lives in the present moment lives the real life, and he is the happiest. So don’t think about the past, it is already dead. Just focus on the present moment and try to realise eternal truth, which is beyond time and space. 

During our stay here upon earth, let us remember that we are only a movie actor. We may be called upon to play any kind of part, tragic or comic and we must play well. This show has a purpose: that we learn how to play various parts of the life movie without identifying ourselves with our role. It is important to avoid identification with pain or anger or any kind of mental or physical suffering that comes. 

Stars, planets, plants, animals, and human beings are all let loose on a beautiful cosmic stage, with each one playing an assigned part. Only very few people understand the meaning of the play because many of us do not pause to think deeply about it. Those few great people may remain dutifully in the world; but there, they're like butter on water and not like the easily-diluted milk of unchurned and undisciplined humanity. 

Since we are immortal, let us not burden ourselves with earthly limitations. The only purpose of life is to get away from the delusion of this material world. Let us roam in this world as a lion of self-control and see that the frogs of weakness don’t kick us around. Let us always perform small and important duties with deep attention, remembering that God is guiding and stimulating every worthwhile effort we are making to achieve a noble ambition. 

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