Ques: It is said when Paramhamsa kept his leg on Swami Vivekananda, suddenly he got Samadhi. You have kept Your hand on my hand so many times, when will You keep your leg on my head?
#SriSri: Me dear, I have given you one of the most beautiful techniques, the sudarshan kriya. When you do it, you already get the same experience that Vivekananda got. This is exactly it, he experienced some current, nothingness, nothing more than that. Has it not changed your whole outlook? After doing it there are two lives, one before Sudarshan Kriya, one after you did it. How many of you vouch for it? I know, see, everyone is raising their hands! You know you cannot even relate to that person, before you did your Sudarshan Kriya. You cannot even say it is the same person. That is why they say, born again, when you have such an initiation. When you are initiated into meditation, you have a new life. Some places they even give you a new name, because you are not the same person anymore, you are totally transformed, you are different. Your vision has become broader, your approach has become much more intelligent, your perception much sharper and your heart much softer and stronger. I don’t have to keep my leg or hand or head on you, you have been given the tools by which you can uplift yourself. And not just one, then you have Shakti Kriya and Sahaj Samadhi meditation, time to time, so that you don’t get bored doing one thing. I know your mind!.. The mind runs for new things all the time and the heart longs for the old, it takes pride in the old. And so here you have both the old and the new. I have spoken about all the ancient scriptures, knowledge and new techniques.
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