*"When a dacoit radiates peace"*
(The story of Lord Buddha and Angulimala)
Angulimala was a dacoit who killed people and kept their fingers. Once, when he saw Lord Buddha passing by, he ran towards him. While his garland of 999 fingers shook violently, he shouted, “I am Angulimala!” Lord Buddha stood unshaken and smiling. Angulimala was not used to such behavior. People usually ran away from him in fear. But here was a man smiling at him with compassion and grace. It surprised and shook him. Suddenly, he found himself melting from inside. Then, something that nobody could have predicted happened. He fell at the feet of Buddha.
Angulimala became Buddha’s disciple and learned meditation. People could not believe that he was practicing the strict austerities of a monk. Lord Buddha became his master. He taught Angulimala how to see the tension, irritation, and frustration in him that propelled him to commit such acts. When this outer layer fell apart, Angulimala could see who he really was.
After a few years, Lord Buddha asked him to start teaching. But people had not forgiven him. Wherever he went, people threw stones at him, and beat him mercilessly. He would often return back to the monastery with bruises all over the body. Yet, he remained peaceful.
Someone asked him, “How are you still smiling despite the assault?” He replied, “These people are just exhibiting the anguish that I created in them. If not for this supreme knowledge, I would have made them angrier.”
People started noticing that Angulimala never reacted to all these assaults. He always remained smiling, calm, and peaceful. Slowly they opened up to him and started going to him. They learned meditation from him. Eventually they became Angulimala‘s disciple, and he, their Guru.
We can learn many things from Angulimala’s story. However one that stands from all others is this - “When one person is peaceful, he creates so much peace around.”
This Guru Purnima we acknowledge and honour the role of that life-changing wisdom. Join Guru Purnima Celebrations in the presence of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
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