Wednesday, 8 May 2019

QUOTES by H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

QUOTES by H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
1.    “Usually, when people love something and there is a longing for it, they try to get rid of it because it is painful. The more you try to run away from it; you are destroying not only the longing but also the love”.
2.    “Love is incomplete. And it will have to remain incomplete, it means that you have marked the boundaries; found its limitations. For love to be infinite, it has to be incomplete. Love is infinite and it finds expression in infinite ways.”
3.    “A devotee is like a crazy person in the eyes of ignorant people. They are not bothered about what people think or comment about them. A devotee’s world is nothing but God.”
4.    “There are three kinds of love. The love that comes out of charm, that which comes out of comfort, and the divine love.”
5.    “Seeing the Divine in your valentine and make the Divinity your Valentine (your sweet beloved). Just be…. And know that you are loved… that is beloved.”
6.     “Loyalty is commitment to a cause or a person, irrespective of the situation and changes that time brings upon. Loyalty transcends promises and performances.”
7.    “It is unjust to demand loyalty from everybody, with the exception being party workers and office bearers who have to be loyal to their party as otherwise it will not function.”
8.    “Have you ever thought what the purpose of your life is is? What is life all about? Such questions are very precious. When they dawn in your mind , only then does your life begin.”
9.    “To know what you are on this planet for, ask yourself what you are not here for!”
10.                       “Life involves ups and downs which is very natural. Do not be afraid of this. Every pinch that you have in life is for the best.”
11.                       “There are two types of compassion. One is the compassion of the wise; one is that of the ignorant.”
12.                       “Consciousness moving on the surface of the body is stimuli, which cause pleasure. When consciousness shrinks, then the sensation of pain and suffering arises.”
13.                       When consciousness moves through the body in limited channels, pleasure is experienced. Repeated enjoyment of the stimuli causes inertia and dullness.
14.                       “Often cooks don't enjoy their own food. Listening to the same piece of music loses the charm; people in the sex industry don't enjoy sex. If the stimuli are observed, then consciousness expands and becomes peace.
15.                       Pain is nothing but consciousness wanting to expand and to become free. Freedom basically is liberation from the craving of the stimuli.”
16.                       “Contentment and Happiness! Do everything happily. Walk, talk, sit happily; even if you complain against somebody, do it happily.”
17.                       “You can turn every situation into your advantage. Have you ever thought of this? Once you are blossomed from within, you can take any insult and turn it into an advantage.”
18.                       Only those who can totally detach can take total responsibility. Eventually you will be able to be both attached and detached simultaneously.”
19.                       “As a human being, we have responsibilities and needs. If responsibilities are less and needs are more, then we will remain sad and grumbling. If we take up more responsibilities and don’t need much for ourselves, then we are happy and more powerful.”
20.                       “It’s the time when our needs are more and we take less responsibility that we are miserable. And when our responsibility is more and our needs are also more, these are times we struggle. And when our responsibility is more and needs are less, we are happy.”
21.                       The entire creation is a huge organization. Everything is made up of atoms. The whole world is nothing but organization, where the atoms have decided to organize themselves in a specific pattern to form a particular substance.”
22.                       Organization is control. Devotion is chaos!”
23.                       Organization needs attention to details, a material awareness. Organization is being worldly. Devotion is getting lost, forgetting the world, being in ecstasy.
24.                       Often you lose devotion in organizing. And often in the name of devotion you create chaos and disregard the organization. You have to be a saint to be both in organization and devotion. If you have both, you are on the mark.
25.                        “Belongingness can bring about a host of negative emotions. Like demand, jealousy, unawareness and lack of gratitude. Just look into your own life, you feel more grateful to strangers than the people you feel "belong" to you.”
26.                       People have such resistance for obligations. They do not realize that they are always under obligations, whether giving or taking!”
27.                       “Our breath has a great lesson to teach us, which we have forgotten, for every rhythm in the mind, there is a corresponding rhythm in the breath.”
28.                       “For every rhythm in the breath there is a corresponding emotion. So when you cannot handle your mind directly, through your breath you can handle the mind.”
29.                       “You know what the first act was when you came into this world? It was taking a breath in. And your last act will be breathing out.”
30.                       “90 % of the toxins in our body are eliminated through breath. And most of us use only 30% of our lung capacity.”
31.                       “Prana” means subtle life force energy. “Aayama means directing or controlling so Pranayama means directing the life force energy. Pranayama is housing our awareness.”
32.                       “Su means proper, Darshan means vision and Kriya is a purifying action. Through the action of our breath, we get a proper vision of who we really are.”
33.                       “In Sudarshan Krishna we will be experiencing the rhythm of being. We will be using rhythms of the breath to harmonise the different the different levels of our Self. It is like the difference between noise and music.”
34.                       “When sounds are harmonised to a rhythm, we call it music. Enlightenment is not gaining anything but harmonising but harmonising our whole system rhythmically.”
35.                       “Sadhana – Sanskrit word for spiritual practices. “ Seva - Sanskrit which means service. Happiness and freedom are within you. They have always been inside you.”
36.                       “Prayer within breath is silence. Love within Infinity is silence. Wisdom without words is silence. Compassion without aim is silence.”
37.                       “Mind without agitation is meditation. Mind in the present moment is meditation. Mind that has no hesitation, no anticipation is meditation. Mind that has come back home, to the source, is meditation. Mind that becomes, “no mind” is meditation.”
38.                       “Why do people need homes? Can they live without shelter like animals in the forest? Man needs protection from changing elements of nature, so he builds a shelter for physical comforts. In the same way, for spiritual and mental comfort, Satsang is the shelter.”
39.                       Question: What about the pleasure in Satsang?
Answer: The pleasure of Satsang takes you towards expansion.”
40.                       “Real freedom is the freedom from the future and freedom from the past. When you are not happy in the present moment, then you desire for a bright future.”
41.                       “One who has given you everything has also given you freedom. Honour the freedom and make good use of all things given to you.”
42.  “In spirituality, faith is first and Knowledge comes later. Like Sudarshan Kriya, Pranayama, Yoga Asanas and meditation – first you have faith and then Knowledge follows.”
43.  “Science considers even human beings as matter; spirituality considers even earth as mother, even rivers and mountains as living beings”
44.        Faith and alertness appear to be completely opposite in nature. When you are alert, usually there is no faith and you feel restless and insecure. When there is faith, the mind is secure and rested and you are not alert.
45.                       “Ego is always ambitious and wants to do the toughest job like climbing Mount Everest, etc. Whereas in a simple act like watching a butterfly, watering the garden, watching the birds or the sky, can bring deep relaxation.”
46.                        “Ego is that something, which has two aspects – the positive and the negative. The creativity in you – are the results of ego. At the same time, when you break down communication, when you isolate yourself, when you’re in tears, when you’re stressed – that is also ego.
47.                       “The "I" or ego in you is a tiny atom. If this atom is associated with the body, the matter, it identifies with the matter. If this atom is put with the Being, the Infinite, it identifies with the Infinite.
48.                         “Enlightenment is beyond seasons like the evergreen coconut tree.”
49.                       “Seekers on the spiritual path are curious to know about Enlightenment. What is Enlightenment? I say, “Enlightenment is like a joke! It is like a fish in the ocean searching for the ocean.”
50.                       “Buddha got enlightened under the Bodhi tree. He then stood up and watched the tree from a distance for seven days. He took sixteen steps towards the tree and under each step, blossomed a Lotus flower. This is the legend”.
51.                       “The Bodhi tree is symbolic of both Sansara (world) and Dharma. The Lotus flower symbolizes clarity, dispassion, love, beauty and purity.”
52.                       “It is only when you are detached in life can you watch the sansara and all of its plays. When you witness the sansara, every step you take is benevolent and impeccable.” 
53.                       “Wise people use their skill to surmount the event. If the vehicle is in perfect condition, the skill is effective.”
54.                       “The mistakes you have made in the past have made you humble; you need not make mistakes in future to become humble.”
55.                       “In Indian mythology, the female energy is depicted as Shakti – the embodiment of strength against justice combined with beauty, love and compassion. Shakti is also represented in the trinity of Durga, goddess of valour and vitality, Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and well-being, and Saraswati, goddess of knowledge and art.”
56.                       “Strength of a woman is persuasive not aggressive
Strength of a woman is elastic not brittle
Strength of a woman is subtle not obvious.”
57.                       “You cannot measure the amount of energy in an atom. Similarly, you cannot measure the potential of a human being, human nature.”
58.                       “Satya the Truth. Follow the Truth. Be with the Truth. Be with the existence. It means live in the moment, express this moment in your fully.”
59.                       “I tell you, if all the countries ( divert) even 0.1 percent of the expenditure that they ( incur) in the field of defence towards spreading peace and harmony, the entire world can change. No one likes hatred.”
60.                       If you think you are stupid
Then...... you know who you are.
And if you know who you are...
You are enlightened!
And if you are enlightened,
Then are certainly not stupid.”

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