Sunday, 24 February 2019

Questions and Answers

With answer to the questions. 

A frustrated student asked his Maths teacher...😡😡😡

If Zero was invented by Aryabhatt and he was born in the Kalayuga... Then...

In the past in Dwa para  and Treta Yugas who counted 100 Kavravas and Ravana's 10 heads and How?😳😳🙄🙄🤔🤔🤔🤔

Teacher resigned and went back to Vedic education but is still not able to find the answer...

Jokes apart but the point needs to be noted...

An expert's answer:
Let me start with just 1 reference from Vedas and 1 from Puranas (to keep this answer short - we will not have enough space if we want to document all such references).

1. Vedic Reference (Yajur veda):
The Rishi Medhātithi, after preparing bricks for a Vedic ritual, prays to the Lord of fire, Agni.

Imā me Agna istakā dhenava Santvekā ća desa ća satam ća
Sahasram ćāyutam ća niyutam ća Prayutam ćārbudam ća nyarbudam ća
Samudrasća madhyam ćāntasća Parārdhasćaita me agna ishtakā
Dhenavasantvamutrāmushmimlloke .

(The mantra recited is in vogue for srivaikhanasa  Archakas in Agniprathishta till now.... Ima  me agna  ishtaka....) 

Oh Agni! Let these bricks be milk giving cows to me. Please give me one and ten and hundred and thousand. Ten thousand and lakh and ten lakh and One crore and ten crore and hundred crore, A thousand crore and one lakh crore in this world and other worlds too.

For starters, here is the meaning of some of the key words in that sloka:
eka - 1 (10 to the power 0)
dasa - 10 (10 to the power 1)
satam - 100 (10 square)
sahasram - 1000 (10 cube)
ayutam - 10000 (10 to the power 4)
niyutam - 100000 (10 to the power 5)
prayutam - 1000000 (10 to the power 6)
arbudam - 10000000 (10 to the power 7)
nyarbudam -100000000 (10 to the power 8)
samudram - 1000000000 (10 to the power 9)
madhyam - 1000000000 (10 to the poewr 10)
antam - 100000000000 (10 to the power 11)
parardham -1000000000000 (Trillion - 10 to the power 12)

2. Reference from Bhagavata Purana:
Chapter 3.11 of Srimad Bhagavatam explains the concept of time. It starts from what is now called nano seconds and goes up to trillions of years. 

I have just given couple of references (which is just the tip of iceberg). If we read with an open mind we can find many more such references. This clearly shows that ancient Indians knew a lot of mathematics, counting, decimal systems etc. Why are we getting such "Intelligent" questions, when the truth is actually the opposite? 

1. This question arises due to our ignorance. One of the biggest atrocity done by Britishers to India was to eradicate the Guru-Sishya tradition of educating our ancient knowledge and values. We are repeatedly fed nonsense after nonsense about our past, to the extent that we all either feel ashamed to talk about it. Even those who talk, do so with a sense of guilt. 

2. We also blindly vomit (reproduce) the Macaulay based education system that Britishers left us with. One of such nonsense is that Aryabhatta "invented" zero. This is an ambiguous statement, which doesn't give the right perspective to Aryabhatta's contribution. Another such nonsense is that there is Classical Sanskrit (whose grammar was codified by Panini) and then there is Vedic Sanskrit, which is somehow a different language. Absolute nonsense - Panini composed a treatise summarizing the Sanskrit grammar from days of yore - till his time. This doesn't mean that the language itself didn't exist or it existed as a different language.

3. We also have a screwed up version of "Secularism" and it has become a fad among our generation to post such questions and jokes, which makes us look "cool" (in reality it does make us look stupid).

Rather than saying that Aryabhatta "Invented zero", I would say that he was the first person to formally define the place value system using Zero. He also elaborated on its mathematical usage. The alternative available was Roman numerals, which is not scalable (to the levels that our Vedas went).  Why we refer Aryabhatta and not our Vedic and Puranic texts:  Aryabhatta's work was intended to be a Mathematical treatise. His work summarizes the knowledge that was available with us until that time. Our Puranas and Itihasas on other hand, though had several references to larger and smaller numbers, were not Mathematical texts - Maths in them were incidental.

Take pride in your rich heritage. Stay inspired🌹🌹


Vedic Maths

With answer to the questions. 

A frustrated student asked his Maths teacher...😡😡😡

If Zero was invented by Aryabhatt and he was born in the Kalayuga... Then...

In the past in Dwa para  and Treta Yugas who counted 100 Kavravas and Ravana's 10 heads and How?😳😳🙄🙄🤔🤔🤔🤔

Teacher resigned and went back to Vedic education but is still not able to find the answer...

Jokes apart but the point needs to be noted...

An expert's answer:
Let me start with just 1 reference from Vedas and 1 from Puranas (to keep this answer short - we will not have enough space if we want to document all such references).

1. Vedic Reference (Yajur veda):
The Rishi Medhātithi, after preparing bricks for a Vedic ritual, prays to the Lord of fire, Agni.

Imā me Agna istakā dhenava Santvekā ća desa ća satam ća
Sahasram ćāyutam ća niyutam ća Prayutam ćārbudam ća nyarbudam ća
Samudrasća madhyam ćāntasća Parārdhasćaita me agna ishtakā
Dhenavasantvamutrāmushmimlloke .

(The mantra recited is in vogue for srivaikhanasa  Archakas in Agniprathishta till now.... Ima  me agna  ishtaka....) 

Oh Agni! Let these bricks be milk giving cows to me. Please give me one and ten and hundred and thousand. Ten thousand and lakh and ten lakh and One crore and ten crore and hundred crore, A thousand crore and one lakh crore in this world and other worlds too.

For starters, here is the meaning of some of the key words in that sloka:
eka - 1 (10 to the power 0)
dasa - 10 (10 to the power 1)
satam - 100 (10 square)
sahasram - 1000 (10 cube)
ayutam - 10000 (10 to the power 4)
niyutam - 100000 (10 to the power 5)
prayutam - 1000000 (10 to the power 6)
arbudam - 10000000 (10 to the power 7)
nyarbudam -100000000 (10 to the power 8)
samudram - 1000000000 (10 to the power 9)
madhyam - 1000000000 (10 to the poewr 10)
antam - 100000000000 (10 to the power 11)
parardham -1000000000000 (Trillion - 10 to the power 12)

2. Reference from Bhagavata Purana:
Chapter 3.11 of Srimad Bhagavatam explains the concept of time. It starts from what is now called nano seconds and goes up to trillions of years. 

I have just given couple of references (which is just the tip of iceberg). If we read with an open mind we can find many more such references. This clearly shows that ancient Indians knew a lot of mathematics, counting, decimal systems etc. Why are we getting such "Intelligent" questions, when the truth is actually the opposite? 

1. This question arises due to our ignorance. One of the biggest atrocity done by Britishers to India was to eradicate the Guru-Sishya tradition of educating our ancient knowledge and values. We are repeatedly fed nonsense after nonsense about our past, to the extent that we all either feel ashamed to talk about it. Even those who talk, do so with a sense of guilt. 

2. We also blindly vomit (reproduce) the Macaulay based education system that Britishers left us with. One of such nonsense is that Aryabhatta "invented" zero. This is an ambiguous statement, which doesn't give the right perspective to Aryabhatta's contribution. Another such nonsense is that there is Classical Sanskrit (whose grammar was codified by Panini) and then there is Vedic Sanskrit, which is somehow a different language. Absolute nonsense - Panini composed a treatise summarizing the Sanskrit grammar from days of yore - till his time. This doesn't mean that the language itself didn't exist or it existed as a different language.

3. We also have a screwed up version of "Secularism" and it has become a fad among our generation to post such questions and jokes, which makes us look "cool" (in reality it does make us look stupid).

Rather than saying that Aryabhatta "Invented zero", I would say that he was the first person to formally define the place value system using Zero. He also elaborated on its mathematical usage. The alternative available was Roman numerals, which is not scalable (to the levels that our Vedas went).  Why we refer Aryabhatta and not our Vedic and Puranic texts:  Aryabhatta's work was intended to be a Mathematical treatise. His work summarizes the knowledge that was available with us until that time. Our Puranas and Itihasas on other hand, though had several references to larger and smaller numbers, were not Mathematical texts - Maths in them were incidental.

Take pride in your rich heritage. Stay inspired🌹🌹

*144. YOU ARE THE TENTH*- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Ten people were going from one village to another. On the way they had to cross a river. After crossing they wanted to be sure all were there. Each one started counting but counted only nine. They were very distraught and began to cry for the loss of the tenth.

A wise man came along and asked them "Oh my dear friends, why are you crying?"

"We were ten but now we are only nine," they replied. The wise man saw they were ten, so he asked them to count.

 Each counted nine but left out himself. Then the wise man made them stand and count, and he said to the last person, "You are the tenth!" And they all rejoiced for having regained the tenth.

The five senses and the four inner faculties (mind, intellect, memory, ego) all lament when they lose sight of the Self. Then the Master comes and shows you that You are the tenth! Count, but never stop until YOU find the tenth!

Feeling the ever-present Self inside makes everything truly joyful.

*Question:* What did Brahma think when he made this creation?

*Sri Sri:* He didn't think before doing. He didn't take anyone's suggestion -- I would have given Him a few!

11 मार्च, 1998
ऋषिकेश, भारत

*144. तुम दसवें हो*

दस व्यक्ति एक गाँव से दूसरे गाँव पैदल जा रहे थे । रास्ते में उन्हें एक नदी पार करनी थी । दूसरे तट पर पहुँचने पर वे निश्चित होना चाहते थे कि सभी सही- सलामत पहुँच गये हैं । प्रत्येक व्यक्ति केवल नौ को गिनता और अपने आप को छोड़ देता । वे बिल्कुल व्याकुल हो गये और दसवें के खोने के दु:ख में रोने लगे ।

एक ज्ञानी व्यक्ति वहाँ से गुज़र रहा था । उसने पूछा, "मेरे प्रिय मित्रों, आप लोग क्यों रो रहे हो ?"

"हम दस थे परन्तु अब हम केवल नौ हैं," उन्होंने उत्तर दिया ।

ज्ञानी व्यक्ति ने देखा कि वे दस थे तो उसने उन सब को खड़ा करके गिनने कहा । उसने आखिरी व्यक्ति को कहा, "तुम दसवें हो ।" दशम के मिल जाने पर सब ने खुशियाँ मनाई ।

हमारी पाँच इन्द्रियाँ और चार आन्तरिक शक्तियाँ (मन, बुद्धि, स्मृति और अहं) सभी विलाप करती हैं जब वे आत्मा से दूर हो जाती हैं । फिर गुरु आते हैं और तुम्हें दिखाते हैं कि तुम ही दशम हो ! 
गिनती करो, लेकिन तब तक न रुको जब तक दसवाँ न मिल जाये ।
शाश्वत सत्ता को अपने अन्तर्गत पा जाने पर सब-कुछ वास्तव में आनन्दमय हो जाता है ।

प्रश्न : ब्रह्मा ने क्या सोेचा जब उन्होंने यह सृष्टि बनाई ?

श्री श्री : संरचना के पहले उन्होंने सोचा नहीं, उन्होंने किसी की राय नहीं ली । मैं कुछ दे देता .... ! (हँसी)

Monday, 11 February 2019

A Powerful Prayer

Powerful  Prayer
This prayer takes about one minute! Pray it sincerely, and then those you send it to, will pray for you! 

God bless me even while I'm reading this prayer and bless the one that sent this to me in a special way. 

Open supernatural doors and miracles in our lives today. 

Give us a double portion of your Spirit as we regain

Emotional Health, Physical Health, Finances, Success, Loving Relationships, Businesses, Children, Jobs, Homes, Marriages. 
I thank you that nothing is over until YOU say it is over.
By Your Grace:
1. Our households are blessed.
2. Our offices are blessed.
3. Our health is blessed.
4. Our wealth is blessed.
5. Our mind is blessed.
6. Our spirit is blessed.
7. Our relationships are blessed.
8. Our finances are blessed.
9. Our businesses are blessed.
10. Our jobs are blessed
11. Our grandparents are blessed.
12. Our parents are blessed.
13. Our children are blessed.
14. Our siblings are blessed. 
15. Our grandchildren are blessed. 
16. Our whole family is blessed.
17. Our friends are blessed.
18. Our relatives are blessed.
19. Our temples are blessed.
20. Our decisions are blessed. 
21. Our dreams are blessed.
22. Our future is blessed.
23. Good opportunities are on the way.
24.Our states, our country and all its people are blessed.
25. Our Earth is blessed.
26. Our planets are blessed.
27. Our Gurumandala is blessed.

Our hearts' desires are on the way according to YOUR perfect will and plan for our lives. 

Pray this prayer, then send it to EVERYBODY YOU KNOW 

Within hours countless people will have prayed for you, and you will have caused a multitude of people to pray to God for each othe