Sunday, 3 December 2017

Yoga vs Physical Exercises (as received)

[27/11, 16:04] Ravi Valluri: *Yoga exercise v/s other Physical exercise*
1. Yoga emphasises on slow motion exercise with deep breathing and periods of relaxation whereas other violent physical exercise emphasise on fast muscular movement which produce large quantities of *lactic acid* in the muscle fibre causing fatigue.
2. Yoga regards body as an instrument for a journey to perfection. It is designed to develop mental faculties and concentration. It believes in having a healthy body where all organs function under the intelligent control of mind. In other physical exercises, the violent muscular movements increase the adrenaline and stimulates the mind. A muscular body can’t necessarily be healthy,as mind is not controlled and the short term health may give license to indulge in a unhealthy lifestyle.
3. The inverted postures in yoga use gravity to force the blood back to the heart thus strengthening and stretching the heart which increases the volume of blood circulated. While other physical exercises are solely aerobic, increase heart pumping and thereby circulation placing a tremendous amount of strain on the heart.
4. Yoga pays great attention to maintaining the flexibility of the spine and joints. It keeps muscle elastic and the stretching of joints causes secretion of a lubricant called *synovial fluid* that keeps the joints supple and reduce stiffness. In other physical exercises less attention is paid to warming up and stretching of muscles, the violent movements can damage muscles, causing long term stiffness. 
5. Deep breathing exercises in yoga ensure that the oxygen supply is in abundance. Relaxation is done systematically to pay off oxygen debt while in other physical exercises the intake of oxygen can not meet the muscular demands, lactic acid is accumulated in the muscles leading to fatigue and exertion.
[27/11, 16:04] Ravi Valluri: *Yoga exercise v/s other Physical exercise*
1. Yoga emphasises on slow motion exercise with deep breathing and periods of relaxation whereas other violent physical exercise emphasise on fast muscular movement which produce large quantities of *lactic acid* in the muscle fibre causing fatigue.
2. Yoga regards body as an instrument for a journey to perfection. It is designed to develop mental faculties and concentration. It believes in having a healthy body where all organs function under the intelligent control of mind. In other physical exercises, the violent muscular movements increase the adrenaline and stimulates the mind. A muscular body can’t necessarily be healthy,as mind is not controlled and the short term health may give license to indulge in a unhealthy lifestyle.
3. The inverted postures in yoga use gravity to force the blood back to the heart thus strengthening and stretching the heart which increases the volume of blood circulated. While other physical exercises are solely aerobic, increase heart pumping and thereby circulation placing a tremendous amount of strain on the heart.
4. Yoga pays great attention to maintaining the flexibility of the spine and joints. It keeps muscle elastic and the stretching of joints causes secretion of a lubricant called *synovial fluid* that keeps the joints supple and reduce stiffness. In other physical exercises less attention is paid to warming up and stretching of muscles, the violent movements can damage muscles, causing long term stiffness. 
5. Deep breathing exercises in yoga ensure that the oxygen supply is in abundance. Relaxation is done systematically to pay off oxygen debt while in other physical exercises the intake of oxygen can not meet the muscular demands, lactic acid is accumulated in the muscles leading to fatigue and exertion.

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