Saturday, 25 November 2017

*Chapter 1 - Arjuna Vishada Yoga*- Pujya Gurudev

*Chapter 1 - Arjuna Vishada Yoga*


So Dhritarashtra, the king, called Sanjay - Sanjay means 'the right victory' - and asked him: 

*dharma-ksetre kuru-ksetre samaveta yuyutsavah mdmakdhpandavds caiva kim akurvata sanjaya (1.1)*

"Sanjay, my dear son, please tell me what is happening on this Dharma Kshetra (the land of dharma, the land of action). This is a land of action. This universe, our world is a place where law governs, dharma governs. If our actions are in accordance with dharma, there is always harmony. If our actions are against the law, against dharma then we face disharmony or conflict. Knowing this, he asked Sanjay, "Tell me, what is happening? You can see it, but I cant. You tell me what is happening in Kurukshetra, between my children and the Pandavas." Its my-ness, the limited belongingness that blinds a person. A limited understanding of what is mine, what is not mine makes a person miserable. 

Dhritrashtra asked Sanjay, "What is happening? Sanjay was intuitive; his inner eye was open. He was a sort of psychic. He didn't watch any crystal ball, but he was so intuitive, that sitting in the palace he saw what was happening out there in the battle field. In those days there were no cameras, so the people had to use their inner faculties. There was no conference calling, no television stations. However, some people had great inner vision, an inner ability to cognise, to recognise, to comprehend things happening far away. Even today there are many people who can see things, who can predict, who can visualise whats happening elsewhere. Sanjay was an expert in that, and the king sought an experts help to see what is happening. That is the beginning of Gita. When you dont have the ability, take the help of those who have the ability - the very first lesson. You cant do everything by yourself. So take help from those who can do it, and then do it. See that they too are part of you.

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