Saturday, 25 November 2017


In response to the invitation for a rather unusual REUNION of all- time greats:

* Newton said he'd drop in.
* Socrates said he'd think about it.
* Ohm resisted the idea.
* Boyle said he was under too much pressure.
* Darwin said he'd wait to see what evolved.
* Pierre and Marie Curie radiated enthusiasm.
* Volta was electrified at the prospect.
* Pavlov positively drooled at the thought.
* Ampere was worried he wasn't current enough though alternately none were.
* Audubon said he'd have to wing it.
* Edison thought it would be illuminating.
* Einstein said it would be relatively easy to attend.
* Archimedes was buoyant at the thought.
* Dr Jekyll declined - he said he hadn't been feeling himself lately.
* Morse said, "I'll be there on the dot. Can't stop now, must dash."
* Gauss was asked to attend because of his magnetism.
* Hertz said he planned to attend with greater frequency in the future.
* Watt thought it would be a good way to let off steam.
* Wilbur Wright accepted, provided he and Orville could get a flight.
* And Dr. Sigmund Freud couldn't help but give it the slip!
* Aryabhatta said there were zero chances of him showing up.

*Chapter 1 - Arjuna Vishada Yoga*- Pujya Gurudev

*Chapter 1 - Arjuna Vishada Yoga*


The universe is a brilliant expression of consciousness. Everything you see here is nothing but an expression of consciousness, in it's brilliance. The purpose of every created object is to remind you that the consciousness which has created this, which is the basis of this existence is the most brilliant one. Bharata means brilliance. Mahabharata means the great brilliance. The great brilliance has a song to it, has a rhythm to it, and that is Gita. Bhagwad Gita means 'Divine Song'. When there is a war, you cannot sing. War simply means disharmony. Music means harmony. On a battlefield knowledge is so far away, yet that is what is most necessary there. When there is a war, wisdom is most essential. Bringing harmony where it is most needed is the brilliance of the Divinity. Bringing wisdom, not in a palace, but amidst war is the brilliance of the Divinity. Music is harmony. See the dichotomy in this. In the battlefield, can someone sing and talk to you about the Self? When someone does it, it is little short of a miracle! And on who does so is an expression of Divinity. One who did that in the battlefield, bringing out the wisdom of life, the truth of life, indicates an eternal phenomenon. 

Life is a struggle when you don't know harmony. Everything here appears to be in conflict. The four elements are in conflict with each other. Fire does not like water, water does not like fire. Air does not like fire and vice versa. All the four elements in creation - the fifth one is just a witness - are in conflict. In the same way, in your body there is conflict, in the world there is conflict, in society there is conflict, in family there is conflict. There is conflict between the young and old, between the wise and the foolish, because the universe is made up of opposites. When it is made up of opposites, conflicts are bound to arise, then war is inevitable there. However, intervention of the Divinity can change this whole scenario. Its the Divinity which can raise your eyes to the fact that there is harmony, there is beauty, there are all these beautiful things on the planet. Its your spirit which appreciates a thorn, makes it something decorative, an Ikebana(japanese art of arranging flowers) or throws it in the bush. When your perception changes, everything changes in the world.

*Chapter 1 - Arjuna Vishada Yoga*- Jai GuruDev

*Chapter 1 - Arjuna Vishada Yoga*

*_Day 2_*

When you are blind, there is disharmony, and that's exactly what happened in the Gita. The king Dhritarashtra was blind. When the king is blind, there will be war. It is inevitable. When the head of the family is adamant, arrogant, and blind, everybody in the family suffers. When a professor, who is head of a department at a college or university, is foolish then he cannot recognise real talents and then thus frustration filters through the whole setup. The same is true with any business setup. Take any example, if the head is blind, then there is suffering throughout. But the suffering does not just remain down the line, it comes back to the head, and that's exactly what happened in the Mahabharata, of which Bhagwad Gita is the central core. The king, who was blind didnt know what was happening. 

Often, people who are adamant, who are arrogant, who are blind, do not ask questions (the _Gita_ begins with a question). There is no spirit of enquiry in them, they think they know all. When you think you know, without knowing, then you are in big trouble, then nobody can help you. However, that state doesn't last too long, because when there is a problem, it doesnt stay away from you. Whatever problem you create for others, comes back to you, and so the problem came back to the king. He wanted to know, "What is happening?" There is a good end to everything; every conflict has a good end. The moment you want to get out of a problem, it means you have climbed one step towards victory. Realization of a problem means we are out of the problem. 

Coping With Challenges-Free Press Journal

*Chapter 1 - Arjuna Vishada Yoga*- Pujya Gurudev

*Chapter 1 - Arjuna Vishada Yoga*


So Dhritarashtra, the king, called Sanjay - Sanjay means 'the right victory' - and asked him: 

*dharma-ksetre kuru-ksetre samaveta yuyutsavah mdmakdhpandavds caiva kim akurvata sanjaya (1.1)*

"Sanjay, my dear son, please tell me what is happening on this Dharma Kshetra (the land of dharma, the land of action). This is a land of action. This universe, our world is a place where law governs, dharma governs. If our actions are in accordance with dharma, there is always harmony. If our actions are against the law, against dharma then we face disharmony or conflict. Knowing this, he asked Sanjay, "Tell me, what is happening? You can see it, but I cant. You tell me what is happening in Kurukshetra, between my children and the Pandavas." Its my-ness, the limited belongingness that blinds a person. A limited understanding of what is mine, what is not mine makes a person miserable. 

Dhritrashtra asked Sanjay, "What is happening? Sanjay was intuitive; his inner eye was open. He was a sort of psychic. He didn't watch any crystal ball, but he was so intuitive, that sitting in the palace he saw what was happening out there in the battle field. In those days there were no cameras, so the people had to use their inner faculties. There was no conference calling, no television stations. However, some people had great inner vision, an inner ability to cognise, to recognise, to comprehend things happening far away. Even today there are many people who can see things, who can predict, who can visualise whats happening elsewhere. Sanjay was an expert in that, and the king sought an experts help to see what is happening. That is the beginning of Gita. When you dont have the ability, take the help of those who have the ability - the very first lesson. You cant do everything by yourself. So take help from those who can do it, and then do it. See that they too are part of you.

Mahabharata- As per H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Q: Thousands of years ago (at the time of the Mahabharata), people had the same problems as what we have today. There is not much difference.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Thousands of years ago also, there was a new moon and there was a full moon, there was winter and there was spring. So in everyone’s life also, the 18 chapters of the Bhagavad Gita happen.
•The first chapter is where you regret and say, "I am powerless and I give up".
•The second chapter in your life is when someone wakes you up and says, "Hey come on! There’s nothing to regret in life. There is something in you that doesn’t change andyou have the power to sail over all this". Then you wake up and you felt good.
•The third chapter tells you to act. Don’t sit and worry, ‘What about me? What about me? 'Go and act, this is Karma Yoga.
•The fourth chapter tells you, now that you are acting you must also listen to knowledge.Don’tbecome like a machine and only act, listen to knowledge as well. There is something beyond all this.
•The fifth chapter tells you about material and spiritual knowledge. You cannot say, "Everything is being done and there is nothing for me to do", or you cannot think, "I am doing everything. I did this and I did that". This is not going to work for you. Wake up and see, are things happening or are you really doing it?
•Then the sixth chapter is when you learn to meditate.
•The seventh chapter tells you, now that you’re meditating, you should know the author of meditation - the one who is meditating in you. 'Who am I? What is time?' Knowing all about science.
•Like that it goes on! When you meditate miracles happen in your life. Wake up and see the miracles! Many don’t observe miracles, nor believe in it. If you recognize it and believe in it then it happens even more! Give a chance for miracles to happen, don’t be so steeped in the material cause and effect - 'I did this so this will happen', or 'I did that and only that will happen', no! You did it but something else can also happen out of the blue! Recognizing that ‘something different’ is Vibhuti. Vibhuti means giving a chance for miracles in your life, exploring it.
•Then after that is knowing the universal self and knowing that everything is in me and I am in everything.
•Then comes love and devotion. You know and understand all this, but then what? It is not enough. You should be in deep love! When you know that the divine loves you, you cannot but fall in love with the divine! That’s the 12th chapter.
•Then you understand what are the divine qualities and what are the demonic qualitiesand you realize that you have all the divine qualities in you.
•Then there are the three qualities or Gunas (Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic) to everything: mind, ego and food. Sattvic ego is, "I am everything and everybody". The Tamasic ego is knowing that you are only this body, and the Rajasic ego is having a limited mindset and falling into craving and aversion.
•The final chapter is knowing that you cannot wash your own sins. Drop them and understand what is being said, "I am here to take care of your sins. Feel that you are mine, be connected to me and I will take care of everything. Just relax!’ This is sanyaasa or liberation.
These are the 18 chapters and these chapters are all a part of everybody’s life.Sometimes we don’t reach up to the 18th chapter. It takes many lifetimes to reach there!

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Article Published in Free Press Journal, Mumbai

Please find the link of an article published in Free Press Journal, Mumbai.


She was not the favourite. Nobody talked about her. The Chinese or Japanese were the favourites to win. The commentator did not  even mention her name till about 2m 30s into the race, and she was forced to take the lead from the outer lane. The Indian girl, whose name is 
P.U. Chitra, shocked the world by finishing with gold in the 1500mtrs in the Asian Athletics Championship 2017.
There was no one to celebrate her victory at the end point, but we are very proud of you, girl, "Queen of Asia in the Mile". You shocked the Chinese and the Japanese!
She is from a small village called Mundur, Palakkad.
Incredible athlete. 👏🏾

Though I came to know about this win from another group the video is so thrilling
 Must share to boost the moral of atheletes.
Proud of Chitra... Daughter of India.

article published in Free Press Journal Mumbai


Kindly find the link of  an article which has appeared in Free Press Journal, Mumbai today. This is all because of the  grace and affection of Pujya Gurudev.



Worrying obstructs action & feelings propel action

The head worries and the heart feels. They cannot function at the same time. When your feelings dominate, worry dissolves.

If you worry a lot, your feelings are dead and you are stuck in the head. Worrying makes your mind and heart inert and dull. Worries are like a rock in the head. Worry entangles you. Worry puts you in a cage.

When you feel, you do not worry. Feelings are like flowers, they come up, they blossom and they die. Feelings rise, they fall and then disappear. When feelings are expressed, you feel relieved. When you are angry, you express your anger and the next moment you are all right. Or you are upset, you cry and you get over it.

Feelings last for some short time and then they drop, but worry eats you for a longer period of time, and eventually eats you up. Feelings make you spontaneous. Children feel, so they are spontaneous.

Adults put brakes on their feelings and they start worrying. Worrying about anything obstructs action while feelings propel action. Worrying about negative feelings is a blessing because it puts the brakes on those feelings, preventing you from acting on them. Usually one never worries about positive feelings.

Worries are uncertain. Worrying takes away your energy; you cannot think clearly when you worry. Offering your worries is prayer and prayer moves you in feelings.


Guruji in Satsang

[01/11, 12:38] Rama Rao All India Radio: There is no giver of happiness and misery both. Happiness comes as grace or gift from God. Misery comes because if Karma. - SriSri in satsang now
[01/11, 12:38] Rama Rao All India Radio: It's natural for the spirit to look for the ultimate joy... And unless and until we realize that we are joy, we won't get it ..!"☺️ - @SriSri now
[01/11, 12:38] Rama Rao All India Radio: Happiness comes to you because of God. Because of blessings you get good things in life. - Gurudev @SriSri now in Satsang
[01/11, 12:38] Rama Rao All India Radio: Longing for higher joy is the reason for craving. What creates resistance is misery that cravings bring. Unless you realize you,Are the source of joy, you keep looking outside, here and there.
[01/11, 12:38] Rama Rao All India Radio: That which you get by effort is very small. And that what you get, which is beyond your capacity is what you get by grace. You deserve and you get it, that is ascertaining your ego. When you say I don't deserve it but still I got it that's gratefulness. @SriSri
[01/11, 12:38] Rama Rao All India Radio: "Prakruti jaanati hai kab kya karna hai. Aur wo kab kis kaam ke liye kisko nimitta banaati hai vo rahasya hai."  - Gurudev

OM ANUGRAHA RAIL YATRA WITH H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 26th Feb to 1st March 2018

Dear Ones,

In case you or your acquaintances are interested in travelling with Gurudev and have yet not emailed interest for the Om Anugrah Yatra, you can do so in two ways:


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Jai Gurudev!

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Tel: 0522-4007760

Article Published in Free Press Journal, Mumbai

Please find below a link of an article published by Free Press Journal, Mumbai an article published in Free Press Journal, Mumbai. This is purely because of  the love, affection, guidance and deep affection of Pujya Gurudev