Our problem is that the people who dont work are the ones who complain and the people who perform are bossy.
Now its changed. If you Put guruji's picture now - more people want to do the course. Days of hiding picture have gone 10 years back. Earlier I myself used to tell not to put the photo but now time has changed.
On the course fee being costly:
Nobody complains that train transport is costly, so I wont get into the train. You hold on to the price of something and the society accepts it. (In europe train transport is very costly)
Dont get into the track of reduction. Sit with this mentality that we should increase the fees by 50 euros. Then you see your courses will also increase.
Financial needs of teachers not being met:
If you dont have skills, you will stay poor. And dont think that you don't have skills. You already have the skills. Its is just the "lathargy" in you that is stopping you. I repeat "lathargy".
Your strength is your students, knowledge and faith.
*Take care of your students. Other 2 are anyways coming.
There is a 12 years of time cycle. In this time cycle of 12 years, about 11 months is the time of low spirituality. You can find this from your chart(kundli). When jupiter is in the 8th house. You might become mechanical in your sadhna during this time, or your interest in spirituality can go down.
Point out mistakes in someone only when they ask you to do so, otherwise it is violence. (The person gives you the authority to point his/her mistake.) For eg when you to go to a doctor for operation, you are actually telling him - Pls tear open my head/stomach/something. But if someone roams on streets with a knife and wants to tear open people's head, it is violance. The difference in case of doctor is that u have asked him/her to do so. Same with mistakes. Point out mistakes only when someone ask you to do so. In thase, the person whose mistakes you point out, will not feel bad. See some momemnts back I told you that you are even worse than dogs, did anyone feel bad?
Theres is another v important research donr by Stanford recently. On the back of our head there is a part of brain called hypocampus. Everytime you say something negative, or u blame/complain, hypocampus shrinks. And if if u keep doing so it shrinks and shrinks and gets vanished and then you die. So everytime you blame/complain/talk negative, remember that you are reducing your brain.
Sometimes life becomes tough. The purpose of it is to make you soft.
Every tough situation should make you softer. When your life becomes tough then 2 things will happen - either it will make u rude and rough, or it ll make u soft. If u become rude and rough, life will become tougher.
Dont imitate me. See when people come to meet me or swami ji, they expect us to be serious. So I do all this playing with toys, that gun and all, so that people feel comfortable with us, they think that guruji is also like us. But if you do all that, people will think that you have gone cookoo..
You should not be too serius not too playful.
See when I do all this play, do people think that I am cookoo?
Everyone says "No"
They actually dont know, I am cookoo. 
You were all fooled by company sponsored researches that butter is not good for heart, but now science says that it is good for heart. If you keep butter in your hand, it will melt.
Whatever melts at body temperature can not clog your heart. Butter is good for heart. It prevents heart attack.
Keep this resolution that:
I will not be sucked by maya - the illusion around me.
So did you get something to take away fron this TRM?
What did u get?
The real take away is in terms of vibrations. Other intellectual understanding and all that is just tip of the iceberg. In any course, the real take away is on vibration level.
Eat black rice instead of white rice. White rice is only starch, white rice has other vitamins, minerals.
Dont make follow up mechanical. Make it more juicy. 10 mins kriya is also enough.
More interaction. Potluck dinner. If someone is less participative, ask that person to lead pranayam, bhastrika. You dont have to be the leader all the time.
Politics in AOL:
See wherever there are people, there will be politics. Because politics means 'people'
We are not poultry farm. We are zoo. We are all different. And that is our strength.
When we do follow up on call for registrations:
Dont ask would you like to do the course? Or are you interested?
Ask which course I can regisyer you for. Thers one on first weekend, one on last weekend.
You cant come for the first weekend? shall I register you for the last weekend?
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