Thursday, 16 February 2017

Benefits of Ghee

Curejoy Expert Claude Butler Explains:

Ayurveda claims that ghee has a host of health and cooking benefits and is beneficial for both the mind and the spirit. Ghee is made by a simple process of boiling butter and then removing the butterfat, leaving behind the proteins (casein and whey) and the milk solids (which includes lactose). This is known as clarified butter. If eaten in moderation, ghee can provide your body with higher concentrations of essential nutrients that aren’t available in butter.

Health Benefits of Ghee

Here is a list of important health benefits obtained by consuming ghee.

High Smoke point: Since it cooks at a higher point than almost any other oil, the advantage is that it won’t break into free radicals like that in other oils. Free radicals can potentially be harmful to health, and when oils reach beyond their smoking point, it can be hazardous to a person’s respiratory system. Ghee also has a higher smoke point than butter.Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease: Ghee is rich in conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, a fatty acid known to be protective against carcinogens, artery plague and diabetes. Because of this, researchers say ghee can be used to prevent cardiovascular disease.Weight Loss: When ghee is derived from grass-fed cows, the butter contains cancer-fighting fatty acid that aids in weight loss.Better Digestion: Ghee is rich in butyric acid. Beneficial intestinal bacteria convert fiber into butyric acid and then use that for energy and intestinal wall support. According to the author of Prescription of Nutrional Healing, butyric acid is “a monounsaturated fatty acid that reduces inflammatory conditions, reduces seepage of undigested food particles, and aids in repair of the mucosal wall.”Lowers Cholesterol: Ghee is high in palmitic acid, which is artery-clogging. Studies have shown that ghee can reduce cholesterol both in the serum and intestine. This is done by triggering an increased secretion of biliary lipids.Skin: Ghee is known to purify the skin and give it an added glow. It acts as a natural moisturizer when used regularly. It’s also known to reduce burning sensation of skin, heal scars, chicken pox scars and more

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