Friday, 29 July 2016

Experiences of a German in India - Shared by Vasudeva Rao

How well expressed ! Only an outsider can really look in without bias. Without the need to either defend or boast.
>>>> Experience of a German in India
>>>> Here are a number of habits I picked up while living in India:
>>>> I take my shoes off whenever I enter my house or someone else's house. I find this to be a wonderful habit. Not only because of cleanliness—who knows what I might have stepped on in the street—but also because iit feels right. Some people find this strange, "You don't have to take your shoes off!"  but I do it anyway.
>>>> I do this almost exclusively with my significant other and kids, but I say things like appadiya? or acchaa? when they say something interesting to me. Or sari or thiik hai. Or I say aiaiyooo! when something unfortunate happens.
>>>> I wobble my head quite naturally while listening to others. Sometimes I do this at other people and they find it somewhat strange. It took me years to be able to [somehow] do this. Indians do it so naturally and gracefully—I love the movement and I suppose I adopted it along thee way.
>>>> Sometimes I drink water from a bottle by raising it above my mouth and letting the liquid arc down into my mouth.
>>>> I eat with my hands. I do this almost only at home (unless I'm in an Indian restaurant, even if it's in Europe or the US). There's a certain communion with the food, a feeling of its warmth and texture the makes it more enjoyable, that makes the partaking of sustenance more intimate.
>>>> Okay. Speaking of intimate. I sit in the "Indian"  fashion no matter where I am. Yes, even if it's a Western-style toilet. Even if it's in the US or Europe. I also secretly wish that the whole world adopted the "hygiene faucet"  but alas, they are not ready yet… Toilet paper has everyone in its soft, papery grip…
>>>> I try to have things fixed. Jugaad, anybody? India has taught me that many times, when we believe something must be replaced, it can be fixed.
>>>> I can "adjust" . It's okay if the subway is packed. It's alright if there's an unusual power cut. It's fine if I have to wait for something that should work. India has taught me to "adjust" . I don't always remember, and I do find myself complaining at times, but, after years of living there, the ability is inside of me.
>>>> I learned Hindi and Tamil when I was in India. I use them when I can, although this doesn't happen often. I'm in Berlin now. The other day I was at the cinema, and there was a Tamil family there. My kid walked over to them, and after a while, I said, Ninga Tamizhaa? and they looked at me like… like a non-Indian just spoke to them in Tamil in a cinema in Berlin"¦ Yenna uru? I continued, and we had a short conversation. They were from Coimbatore. Several days later I was chatting with a Paksitani waiter in Hindi. He had the hugest smile, and I made sure to use more Urdu-derived vocabulary, rather than Sanskrit-derived words (zahrur instead of avashya, etc). I don't get many opportunities to do this, but when I do, I relish them…
>>>> Spirituaality. The Bhagavad Gita. The Vedas. The Upanishads. There is a special spiritual current that flows through them, and it accompanies me wherever I go. I don't consider myself religious in the traditional sense, but I recognize timeless wisdom when I see it, and I reread these ancient texts, these unfathomable pearls, every once in a while, gaining more with every reading. Those sages, seers and saints were in touch with something. Something that, in my opinion, transcends both organized religion and atheism. I'm grateful to have discovered their timeless truths, and they have helped me in the course of my life.
>>> __,_._,___

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Integrity-Discipline- Self Control shared by Vasudeva Rao

>                       A Touching Episode-Interesting-Valuable to Young and Old
>                                             Integrity-Discipline-Self Control
>                                                                                                                                                                                    To read till the end and to be able to appreciate !
> At the point of death a man, Tom Smith , called his children and after praying for them, he advised them to follow his footsteps so that they can have peace of mind in all that they do.
>      The youngest child, Immaculate, a female, looked at others and yelled, Daddy, its unfortunate you are dying without a penny in your bank account, personally, I can't emulate you. Other father's that you tag as being corrupt, thieves of public funds left houses and properties for their children; even this house we live in is a rented apartment, sorry, i can't emulate you, just go, let's chart our own course, let's paddle our own canoe. Few moments later, their father gave up the spirit.
>     Three years later, Immaculate went for an interview in a multinational company. The interview panel had already penciled down a candidate for the highly coveted post but wanted to complete the formality of interviewing all applicants on the list. As soon as Immaculate sat before the interview panel, the Chairman of the committee asked, "Which Smith is yours" and  Immaculate replied, "I am Immaculate Smith. My Dad Tom Smith  is now late he died a poor man..." 
>     But the Chairman cuts in, O my God, you are Tom Smith's daughter? He turned to other members and said "This Smith man was the one that signed my membership form into the Institute of Chartered Administrators and his recommendation earned me where I am today. He did all these free. I didn't even know his address, he never knew me from Adam. He just did it for me. He turned to Immaculate, I have no question for you, consider yourself as having gotten this job, resume tomorrow, your letter will be waiting for you.
>     Immaculate Smith became the Corporate Affairs Manager of the company with two cars, one official and one for private use, attached to the office, with a duplex and two drivers and a salary of £100,000 per month excluding allowances and other costs when she travelled outside England.
>     After two years of working in the company, the Group Managing Director of the company came from America to announce his intention to resign and needed a replacement. A personality with high integrity was sought after, again the company's Consultant nominated Immaculate Smith.
>    In an interview, she was asked the secret of her success and the sudden sky rocketing profile and in tears, she replied, my Daddy paved these ways for me. It was after he died that I knew that he was financially poor but stinkingly rich in integrity, discipline and honesty. She was asked again, why she is weeping since she is no longer a kid as to miss her dad still after a long time. She replied, "At the point of death, I insulted my dad for being an honest man of integrity. I hope he will forgive me in his grave now. I didn't work for all these, he did it for me to just walk in.
>    So finally she was asked," Will you follow your father's foot steps as he requested? And her simple answer was, "l now adore the man, I have a big picture of him in my living room and at the entrance of my house. He deserves whatever I have after God.
> Are you like Tom Smith?  It pays to build a name, the reward doesn't come quickly but it will come however long it may take and it lasts longer.
> Integrity, discipline, self control and fear of God makes man wealthy, not the fat bank account. Leave a good heritage for your children. Are you building a good name for your children & not a fat bank account? As an agent of CHANGE, please share this true life story with your loved one



The origin of Hinduism in all likelihood lies in Aryanism and Brahmanism. Several historians opine that it is the early Arabs who described people living across Sindhu as Hindus. However, Hinduism can also be referred to as Sanatana Dharma-the external religion or law.
Hinduism does not have a single historical founder, a papal authority or one text. The esoteric knowledge and the thought process of Hinduism can be found in the Vedic literature (Vedas and Upavedas), Upanishads (sitting at the feet of the Master), Aryankas ,Puranas, the epics like Ramayana, Mahabharata, the Bhagvad Gita, the concept of OM, worship of the cow  among others.  There are innumerable references about Hinduism in the texts of Buddhism, Jainism and various heterodox sects which emerged during ancient India.

Hinduism is a religion, or a way of life found primarily in India, Nepal, Mauritius, Sri Lanka and even in Bali(Indonesia). There are around one billion followers of Hinduism making it the third largest religion in the world.
‘India is the meeting place of the religions and among these Hinduism alone is by itself a vast and complex thing, not so much a religion as a great diversified and yet subtly unified mass of spiritual thought, realization and aspiration “wrote Sri Aurobindo
The term "Hindu" has been hotly debated for a long time, but a firm definition has proved to be elusive.

In an order decreed sometime back, the Supreme Court had ruled that
"Hinduism is a way of life".
Bereft of all dogma, Hinduism encompasses a wide variety of beliefs and rituals, which are intricately woven in the land.  There are the triad of Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the preserver) and Shiva (the destroyer) who form the bedrock of Hinduism and the Hindu culture.
In the Hindu philosophy, there is one ultimate Supreme being- Brahman. Brahman is the source of life, the world soul, and is present as the Atman in all animate and inanimate bodies (this concept has been further developed in Jainism).
The Brahman is eponymous in assuming myriad forms.  For instance, Lord Ganesh represents fortune, knowledge and everything propitious. Hanuman the monkey God represents valour, loyalty, courage and devotion. All Gods have animals as their mode of transportation. This can be also viewed as Man’s triumph over the beast either through knowledge or hardihood.
Lord Vishnu, the preserver maintains harmony in the universe. He assumed ten incarnations or avatars to challenge evil and restore peace and harmony in the creation. The sequence of the revelation of Avatars is indeed fascinating – Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parusharama, Rama, Krishna, Buddha and the Kalki.  This is quite akin to Charles Darwin’s theory and science of evolution as the origin is in the form of Matsya and finally evolving into Kalki.
 Moreover, incorporation of Buddha one of the Avatars or incarnations reflects the elasticity of the Brahmanical mind. Third, there is a school of thought which endorses that Lord Vishnu would assume the form of Kalki during the period of Kaliyuga. Meanwhile Lord Krishna is considered to be the complete Avatar of Lord Vishnu possessing all the traits and qualities. There are as many as 64 Gunas of Lord Krishna. During the Mahabharata war, Lord Krishna revealed to the humanity his SOHAM Swarupa or the Vishwarupa Darshan . This was visible to Arjuna the Pandava   and Sanjaya the charioteer of Dhritarashtra (the King of Hastinapur).

Lord Shiva or the Nataraja intriguingly represents both destruction and also regeneration. From the moribund chaos arises fresh life.  Life emerges after death. Shiva is also the originator of Yoga, and the famous Nataraja pose is indicative of this aspect.
Braham Samhita (verse 10) clearly establishes that Lord Shiva derives his power from Lord Vishnu, “The person embodying the material causal principle, viz., the great lord of this mundane world [Maheshvara] Shambhu, in the form of the male generating organ, is joined to his female consort, the limited energy [Maya] as the efficient causal principle. The Lord of the world Maha-Vishnu is manifest in him by His subjective portion in the form of His glance.”
Lord Shiva is neither an avatara nor avesha and is also not in between them. Lord Shiva is the greatest demigod, even greater than Lord Brahma. He is the spiritual master of the entire universe. He has his own spiritual line (sampradaya) called the Rudra – sampradaya. At present this sampradaya is represented by Vishnusvami-sampradaya, or the Vallabha-sampradaya.

The holy trinity have consorts who took the form of Saraswati ,MahaLakshmi and Parvati. The consorts   are worshipped in the form of Shakti Swaroopa (the Divine Mother).  The Divine mother is also worshipped in the form of Shakti. Shakti represents the feminine principle, the dynamic life providing energy of the universe. Worship of woman as Shakti acknowledges the empowerment of womanhood in the Hindu pantheon. Besides, the male God is incomplete without the female Goddess. This is the trademark of Hinduism. Howevare references  about Goddesses like Nu Gua in China, Spider Woman in Native American Navajo tradition, Japanese  deities like Izanagi and Izanami( twins) , the triple Goddess in Greco - Roman trdition among there 
In addition to the above there are three additional concepts which need to be appreciated while understanding the tenets of Hinduism. That is the form or symbol of OM- the primordial sound, Ganesha- who represents knowledge and (Lord Ganesha is worshipped before the commencement of any Puja) and the holy cow (which is revered by millions of the followers of Hinduism).
Symbols or hieroglyphs are an integral part of Hinduism. Lord Brahma the creator is symbolised with the four Vedas and OM symbol, Lord Shiva is associated with Lingam the energy centre in phallic form, the third eye, trident, Nandi, the crescent/moon and the snake while Lord Vishnu is kindred with the white conch shell, the rotating discus, golden mace and the lotus flower emerging from his navel with four arms. In fact, Lord Brahma emerges from the navel/ nabhi of Lord Vishnu.

It will take generations and several life times to fathom the vastness that is Hinduism. But through the texts, scriptures, philosophical schools such as Advaita, Dwaita and Vishistadvaita, the Bhakti movement, its symbols, art, architecture, festivals, the Gods and Goddesses a seeker can attempt to understand its various intricacies.  

Saturday, 23 July 2016

HOW BLUE IS MY SAPPHIRE- Short Story written on the passage provided by Anita Nair for Write India contest

The final days of Kurukshetra war…….
Several millennia ago, Surya Devata forewarned his son Karna not to part with his Kavacha and Kundala. The intrepid warrior would need them so that he could match Arjuna, with all the weaponry at his disposal and be a suitable competitor. However Karna had to live up to his reputation of being munificent and generous. The charioteer’s son smilingly parted with the protective gear to the sheepish looking Lord Indra but uncharacteristically asked the Lord of Thunder and Rain for a missile in return.
As he was dying, Karna mused, “Why did Lord Krishna reveal the esoteric knowledge of Bhagvad Gita to Arjuna alone?”
Soon, Yama appeared in the form of a dog to carry the soul of Karna to the heavens. A distraught Karna asked Yama as to why he was singularly victimised throughout life.  Yama replied, “It is nothing but the Karmic cycle. You were covetous of Arjuna, and also blinded with rage towards your brother Arjuna. Besides you were lustful and remained evil eyed to your sister-in-law Draupadi,” added Yama.
“But I was enraged and my self-esteem was constantly punctured when they referred to me as a SutPutra. A pariah was left with little choice but to extend support to the Kauravas. I was also indebted to Duryodhana for crowning me the king of Anga,” replied Karna.
“One day the Karmic cycle will catch up with them too if they turn torpid,” said Yama.
In a futuristic time, several thousand years later……..
The collapse of the Berlin Wall, advancements in science and telecommunications, a globalised world, knowledge society which were once considered epochal events had all been left far behind. It seemed like mankind had reached the zenith of his development, choosing only one companion to travel as fast and far into space and time with him, the ever faithful dog.
Man had become virtually ageless and both information and esoteric knowledge could be transmitted through mere mental focusing or a physical touch.
The contest to don the mantle of ruler of the Universe had reached the summit point and the next twenty four hours would decide as to who would lord over the universe.  The victor would embrace all the powers of the Gods and could fashion the future of the lives of all the species.
However the intrinsic harmony and equilibrium of the universe could not be fragmented or violated. The secrets of the Bhagvad Gita were now embedded in the Blue Sapphire. Lord Krishna, the blue hued one, was on a sabbatical and had handed over the Blue Sapphire to Yama, who assumed the form of a dog. He was the sole judge and arbiter of the contest.
Among millions of contestants who participated from across the universe two remained in the fray, the vivacious and perspicacious Diana Shapiro from the deep pocketed Boston, who epitomised the American amplitude. Don Shapiro, her billionaire father was a polarising figure apart being a real estate developer and arms manufacturer. He was also poised to win the presidency of the USA as per the latest Gallup polls.
The other contestant was the impoverished Kishen Kumar hailing from Katihar, a bijou town of Bihar. Kishen’s father Sanjaya, was a mere driver. While one of the challengers was bold and beautiful, the other was brainy and brawny. Some harsh realities in the highly advanced world had however not changed over a millennia and the chasm between the affluent and the impecunious had only widened.
Seemingly the combat was inequitable. For the misogynists and sexists it was a battle between a man and one from the fairer sex. But to the discerning observer it was a struggle between the deprived who dreamed to confront the opulent. Before the opening of the competition, Yama conducted a life regression therapy on Don and Diana, revealing their pasts to them. Father and daughter were stunned to know that once they too were Indian celestials in the form of Indra and Arjuna respectively.
Don recalled how long, long ago, he thundered and rained over a hamlet called Gokul to establish his suzerainty. But a small boy called Krishna came to the rescue of the denizens. He effortlessly lifted the Govardhan Mountain, protecting them from his wrath.
Even after all these years Don’s ego could not stomach the ignominy he had undergone at Gokul. After all he was a ‘twice born’ and had faced defeat at the hands of an OBC, cleverly glossing over the fact that the celestial song ‘the Gita (the Blue Sapphire) was revealed by Krishna to his son at that time. And in this age the son reincarnated as his daughter Diana.
If fortune were to favour them once again the gifted daughter would become the empress of the universe and he, the President of the USA. In such an eventuality all the Gods would propitiate the father-daughter duo. In order to clamber that summit the precious Blue Sapphire was to be captured at any cost- a chip which was the repository of all knowledge and secrets of the universe and would be extremely useful to win the crown of the ruler of the universe.
Don and Diana were now aware that Yama (Krishna in Kaliyuga had delegated this engagement), now assuming the form of a dog was suitably  impressed with the years of penance performed by Sanjaya and Kishen Kumar, an aspiring Civil Servant  and had revealed  the secret of Blue Sapphire to them. One who possessed this chip became a master of all crafts and trades. Meanwhile excessive wealth had made Don and Diana slothful and complacent.
The Sapphire was only the holy key for the contest and was to be treated with all reverence. According to Yama, the precious knowledge from the Sapphire was transmitted only to a sacred person who practiced all the covenants of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Foremost among them were honesty.
Over twenty fours the gladiators were to be physically and mentally examined under the watchful eyes of a dog who was also aided by a super computer which tabulated all the data and live streamed and podcast the proceedings across the universe. Father and daughter attempted to wean away Yama to their territory in order to acquire the Blue Sapphire by using all the sophistry at their disposal but remained unsuccessful. “This is an acid test not Kurukshetra,” ventured Yama.  
A euphoric Kumar pipped past Diana in the half marathon by a mere fraction as Don wrenched his hands in despair. At stake was the crown of the universe for a hundred years. Diana recovered from the shock defeat and held back her tears to swim like a fish and win all the aquatic events.
The Indian camp of father and son plunged into despondency. History had to be rewritten, kept goading the car driver. Opportunity was beckoning at their doorsteps and the depressed classes had a rare opportunity to settle scores was his constant refrain.
The super computer announced it was time for track and field events. Kishen and Diana scorched the tracks like panthers. The female competitor won the hundred and two hundred metres races, while the male competitor efficaciously ran the four hundred and eight hundred metres. The scores were even and both physical and emotional temperatures were rising in the cauldron. They pushed each other. It was more than a friendly punch. An impassioned Don thumped his chest like a gorilla, while Sanjaya used choicest Bihari expletives to browbeat their propertied opponents.  
A possessed Diana overcame a stiff challenge posed by Kishen in games such as tennis and squash but faltered in the cerebral contest of chess much to chagrin of Don. This thrilled Sanjaya Kumar no end.
At this defeat Diana was on the verge of a mental breakdown, but her billionaire father elevated her mood through a motivational talk. At some distance was a dog along with the super computer, watching the events unfolds.
The sun was blazing in Florida as the physical endurance tests came to an end. Diana was marginally ahead in this regimen. The overarching made their bodies ache but to emerge triumphant and lift the trophy inspired and egged them on.
Sanjaya had been banking on a robust display by his son in the physical examination rounds. But the unexpectedly resolute performance by Dianna had left him befuddled. His plans for retribution and avenging the defeat suffered long years back began to haunt him. He tried to goad Kishen for the remaining rounds. Success meant power for hundred years while failure meant subjugation to the vanquisher.
Aesthetics and intellectual calibre of the contestants were now under the microscope after the extreme muscular examination.
To be triumphant was to be the only mantra and Sanjaya had set sights that his son emerges victorious at any cost. He trained his son extensively to walk the ramp and emerge as a showstopper. Sanjaya realised that the enigmatic and vivacious Diana could romp home quite effortlessly. He stealthily eclipsed himself not to be captured by the eyes of the super computer and disfigured the extortionate robe which Diana intended to wear.
Dianna floated in wearing a stunning breezy summer outfit and appeared extremely confident to charm her way to win the round. As she twisted and turned she was disrobed. In a flash Arjuna (Diana) remembered as to what had happened to his wife. A sense of Deja-vu prevailed in the cauldron. She was stark naked and the super computer beamed her nudity across the universe. Diana wept inconsolably. Her mind was tormented and besot with grief and she felt like snuffing out her life. The chastity of a woman was at the chopping block……..she felt she was being physically assaulted.
Meanwhile Kishen Kumar who had spent several hours in the gym (fruits of positive affirmation over many years later enabled this development). His chiselled body   strode the ramp like a warrior displaying his six pack abs and emerged victorious.   
Don was incensed with anger. The flotsam and jetsam were once again regrouping. He hankered to sever the torso of Sanjaya Kumar and son Kishen. At a distant corner of the room the super computer blinked and Yama soon grasped that the tenets of fair play were surrendered at the altar of subterfuge.
This was the moment Don had been hankering after, as Yama directed Sanjaya and Kishen Kumar to immediately surrender the Blue Sapphire. The father-son duo tried to argue in vain as Yama reminded them of the cardinal principles of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. 
Don and Diana celebrated, as the mortified father and son duo capitulated and surrendered the Blue Sapphire. They felt enervated and powerless.
The super computer initiated the intellectual and reasoning rounds on a variety of subjects. Kishen was emotionally distraught and could not comprehend a majority of the questions. His memory failed him; information and knowledge learnt in the IAS training institute at Katihar were lapsing into a precipice.
Curse and misfortune always followed him, so he thought. What was the need for his father to resort to legerdemain? Diana appeared to be emerging triumphant and gaining an upper hand in the competition.
Dusk had set in, shadows were lengthening and it was slowly getting dark. Sanjaya tried to re-ignite the drive to win in his son. They could not afford to be in bondage and slavery for a hundred years again.
The super computer beamed the latest tally, with an ecstatic Diana marginally ahead. She was at 10,000 points with Kishen Kumar at 9,900. A mere hundred points separated them. They were now to be examined on writing skills and the contestants had to write an essay on ‘What would I do if I become the ruler of the universe?’
Kishen was extremely disturbed and desperately needed some respite. To recuperate he went to take a shower. He appeared like a dark handsome God, as water cascaded over his well chiselled, six pack bronze frame.
 Dianna too was subsumed by the frenetic paced events of the day. She was physically and mentally enervated. And she was singed with her nudity being screened across the Universe.
She was desperate for some support, a shoulder to lean on, succour where she could bare her soul. She happened to pass by and was bewitched by the sight of Kishen under the shower…. Like one of her ancestors called Pandu, she too succumbed to the flames of passion and disrobed and went on to embrace Kishen. It was a physical demand propelled more by emotional devastation and she did not swear by the tenets of Patanjali. They kissed fervidly and seemed to be in the union for eternity.
“All of us live with our past. All of us allow it to shape our future. But some of us know how to shrug the past. I think that is who I am.....,” thought Kishen as he continued to passionately kiss Diana. And soon he disarmed her intellectually and sucked out all her stimulating prowess. This was the time for retribution; to rewrite the Karmic cycle. The words of Yama, uttered in another life time were resonating in his ears.
Diana shrugged off the embrace and unlocked the kiss. She felt ashamed and tore away from him.
They both were seated in front of the super computer and wrote down their essays. And Kishen empowered with the kiss was declared the victor much to chagrin and discomfiture of Don and exaltation of Sanjaya.
Curiously enough the Blue Sapphire lost some of its lustre…….

Esoteric and Erudite knowledge shared by Arun Madhavanji senior faculty Art of Living.

As compared to the Vedic era, the period of the Upanishads enjoyed a more peaceful and settled pastoral life. The process of urbanization had brought in leisure and relative comfort. The people as also the kings could afford to set apart their time for contemplation and reflections. The kings of the Upanishad-age spent more time in performing Yajnas and in hosting philosophical debatesthan in waging wars. A king’s court  was the meeting ground for the iterant philosophers, teachers and students. The King presided over and guided the debates concerning the nature of life, of time and of the substratum of all existence. The Kings such as Asvapathi Kaikeya, Ajatasatru Kashya, Janaka Videha, and Pravahana Jaivali of Panchala were regarded highly for their learning. Many philosophers and learned Brahmins went to them seeking instructions and explanations on spiritual matters. 

Pravahana Jaivali of Panchala  was  well versed in Udgitha and  taught his theory concerning the path taken by the dead; and, how the departed soul fares on its way to rebirth, according to merits of its deeds.This was a departure from the faith of the earlier Brahmanas which did not specifically speculate on life after death, but generally believed that those who performed Yajnas were granted material gains in the present life and proximity to gods in the afterlife. Pravahana effectively negated the old beliefs; and introduced his theories of karma-phala, rebirth etc. He said only those who diligently practiced contemplation and meditation travel by the deva-yana and attain bliss, while the others travel the way of the manes (pitri – Yana) taking rebirth according to ones’ merits. It underlines the importance of moral conduct in life.

Meditation and contemplation are  natural ways to go hollow and empty; they help to sharpen intuition and enhance awareness of who you really are.  


‘Who ever sees me sees the teaching’, said the Buddha
Siddhartha was the son of King Suddhodana of the Sakya dynasty and Maya Devi. Maya passed away soon (exactly a week) after the birth of her son and he was then raised by the father and Prajapati, the sister of Maya.
The story of Buddha’s birth is enveloped by portents of his extraordinary greatness.  He would not be just a king of Sakya dynasty but the emperor of the world prophesised Asita the sagacious one. Canki the chief priest of Sakya dynasty was perhaps too scared of King Suddhodhana that he exhorted the ruler to encumber free movement of the young one so that he was not to be a witness of misery.
It is also believed when Maya Devi was pregnant she dreamt of giving birth to a white bull-elephant with six tusks. As per traditions the white elephant signified the mount of Indira the king of Gods and also the displacement of any impediments. Elephant is also an attribute of Lord Ganesha (son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati). Elephant in Buddhism signifies serenity, stolidity and power.
It is believed that the king and foster mother did not have any conjugal relationship. Siddhartha transformed into Monk Gautama and then into Buddha the awakened or the enlightened one. It is a remarkable journey of this unique personality, who perhaps can be called as the greatest psychologists ever to set his feet on the planet.
Siddhartha, Gautama or Buddha choose whatever you may call veritably pealed the human mind like one peals an onion and analysed as to why man suffers and then enunciated and unravelled the four noble truths and the eight-fold path to provide succour to the distraught human mind.
Upon awakening, or realising the eternal truth, Buddha the ‘awakened’.the ‘enlightened ‘ or ‘the compassionate one’ gave his first sermon at Sarnath to a small group of five disciples.
Buddhism along with Jainism, the Charvaka philosophy were among sixty-two heterodox sects that struck roots in India when Aryanism/ Brahmanism / Hinduism became highly ecclesiastical and orthodox and was unable to provide solutions to the day to day muddles of the citizenry of that period.
Buddhism is not based on the belief or precept in God, nor does it have set credo, creed, a central papal authority or a universally accepted scripture. This aspect is quite similar to the pantheon of Hinduism, except where the seeker believes in the holy trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh along with their consorts.
Buddha was perhaps the first to lay emphasis on the formation of associations or Sanghas. With the passage of time, Sanghas have mushroomed in multitudes across the world.
Be it Rotarians, Free Masons, the Alcoholics Anonymous or any charitable or philanthropic organisation, the concept is that of the formation of a Sangha.  In the Sangha, members share their problems, do soul searching and seek redressal to their set of problems and misadventures in life.
Another lasting contribution of Buddhism has been a recognisable symbol called the Stupa. The Stupa also refers to the summit. Sacred relics of Buddha and his principle disciples have been discovered in these summits (during the ancient times and the texts) referred to also symbolise burial mounds.
‘The only permanent thing in life is impermanence’ said the clairvoyant Buddha and over a period of time Buddhism branched off into Hinayana, Mahayana, Vajrayana (the thunderbolt), the Tibetan and Zen Buddhism.  Buddhism too became exclusive in its approach and attitude quite like Hinduism and left the shores of the country. The death knell on Buddhism was inflicted by Adi Shankara (the founder of Advaita philosophy of Hinduism) through his well thought out, scholarly and esoteric debates.
In the current day of strife, Buddhism is remerging as a philosophy, a way of life with several celebrities endorsing it and the common folk attempting to practice it   through the emphasis on mindful breathing, observation of the self, meditation and the techniques of Vipassana. The cardinal truism is laying stress on positivity and efficacious thoughts.
‘In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision’ says HH Dalai Lama.
He was born two thousand five hundred years back at Kapilvastu . Today Siddhartha is once again being rediscovered. The Wheel of Karma, the cyclical Karmic cycle and the synodic pattern of valleys and peaks never ebb. Buddha’s noteworthy contribution to humanity is compassion. Compassion is truck loads is required as a palliative where several truckloads of militants and misguided individuals are inflicting enormous damage to humanity.

Friday, 22 July 2016

Another son in law shared by Vasudeva Rao

Once upon a time, there was another son-in-law!
The Forgotten Legacy!!!
Over 50 years ago, an elegant Parsi in the Lok Sabha spoke , better to say roared.
He was exposing the first scam though he belonged to the ruling party.
His father in law, Nehru was hearing his thundering words.
Nothing prevented Feroze Gandhi from exposing corruptions.
The most extraordinary aspect of Feroze Gandhi's work was the forensic precision with which he collected facts and the manner in which he marshalled his arguments.
He exposed the scam on the Life Insurance Corporation by Haridas Mundhra.
Feroze exposed how Mundhra manipulated the LIC to purchase shares in his little known companies.
Bowing to pressure, the Government appointed a commission of inquiry
headed by Chief Justice MC Chagla who upheld Feroze's contentions and said that the Finance Minister should take responsibility.
TTK resigned, Finance Secretary was sacked and Mundhra jailed..
Feroze exposed corruption by Dalmia- Jain in the take over of Bennett and Colman
by siphoning the funds of public money in Gwalior Bank and Bharat Insurance.
They were the directors of these banking and insurance companies and transferred
the money for their own company, which lead to the immediate collapse of these public institutions.
Feroze exposed Birlas, Goenka (not the one running a newspaper).
Such was his impact that within two months the insurance industry was nationalised.
When some alleged that Feroze was doing these all for Tata's, as bother parsees, next came against Tata.
Feroze exposed Telco for charging more than double for an engine to railways, which lead to exit for Tata and formation of locomotive workshops in public sector.
Mahatma Gandhi is said to have told Feroze?s mother Rattimai in Allahabad in 1931:
"If I get seven persons like him, India would be free in seven days."
Feroze the greatest campaigner against corruption passed away in 1960 at the age of 48.
Seeing the huge crowd, assembled for cremation, Nehru said : "I did not know that Feroze was so popular!"
The Forgotten Legacy
Son-in-law of one Prime Minister (Jawaharlal Nehru), husband of another (Indira Gandhi) and father of a third (Rajiv Gandhi),
its unfortunate that his daughter-in-law (Sonia) and grandson (Rahul) have forgotten his great legacy. ??

Achievements of PM Modi shared by BB Mittal

> Dear All
> Achievements of Prime Minister of India Mr. Narinder Modi.
> Regards,
> B.B.Mittal
>> SPREAD THIS INFO  -  because it is true
>>>> First Prime minister who has been criticized for working hard.
>>>> Over last few days, I have seen quite a few jokes 
>>>> on Narendra Modi's foreign visits.... and all people 
>>>> are curious why Narendra Modi visits many countries and what is India achieving from it. .
>>>> Few hidden (because the main stream media will
>>>> purposely ignore them) achievements are given below: 
>>>> 1. BJP Govt. convinced Saudi Arabia not to charge
>>>> “On-Time Delivery 1 Premium charges" on Crude Oil – Young Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan & External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj sealed the deal. Saved the country thousands of crores...
>>>> 2. India will build 4 Hydroelectric power stations + Dams in Bhutan (India will get lion's share in
>>>> Green energy that will be produced in future from 
>>>> these projects) . . 
>>>> 3. India will build Biggest ever dam of Nepal 
>>>> (China was trying hard to get that) – India will get 
>>>> 83% Green energy produce from that hydro power station for free – in future. . . . . 
>>>> 4. Increased relationship with Japan and they
>>>> agreed to invest $ 30 Billion in DMIC (Delhi –Mumbai Investment Corridor).. This project is an exclusive rail line project for fast transportation. 
>>>> 5. Increased strategic relationship with Vietnam
>>>> and They have now agreed to give contract of Oil exploration to ONGC-Videsh (UPA was not ready
>>>> to take this at all because they were worried about China – and getting into a conflict of interests on south China sea) NaMo is not scared of China because he has international backing.
>>>> 6. Increase Oil Imports from Iran, despite the ban by USA. .(u can see how USA twists other countries for it selfish interest) Iran agreed to sell in Indian Rupees and 
>>>> it saved our Forex, not just for now, but protected 
>>>> India from future currency fluctuations. India also 
>>>> gets to build “Chabahar” port of Iran, encircling 
>>>> Pakistan. Because we will have exclusive access for our Naval ships in this port. 
>>>> This is to control Pak's undesirable designs. 
>>>> 7. Australia- despite Australia being a major
>>>> supplier of Coal n Uranium. . . NaMo was able to convince Tony Abbott and now Australia will 
>>>> supply Uranium for our energy production. . . 
>>>> 8. President Rajapakse lost
>>>> elections in Sri Lanka – Remember UPA lost
>>>> “Hambantota” port development – read latest 
>>>> report of CIA, where they mention RAW has played 
>>>> a major role in power shift of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has backed out of Chinese contract and shifted to Indian project managers. 
>>>> 9. With China, as Trade Deficit was increasing, 
>>>> NaMo forced their hand. Anti-Dumping will come
>>>> soon so China will invest heavily into India. – China has already committed $ 20 billion Investment in India. That's nearly ₹140,000 
>>>> crores. 
>>>> 10. On Security – adding Ajit Doval to his team is the best decision by NaMo. See the recent tie-up with Pentagon, Israel & Japan. . Now see how we stopped the Terror Boat from Pak near Mumbai from attacking Mumbai once again and listen to NaMo 
>>>>   ... “Any Mumbai like attack from Pak  and Pak will lose Baluchistan!" That's the language of deterrence that we are hearing from NaMo . We won't hit first, but if you do, we surely won't turn the other cheek.... . . . 
>>>> 11. India approved the border road in the
>>>> NorthEast and around India- China border –
>>>> Remember just because of China’s opposition, the
>>>> ADB (Asian Development Bank) didn’t give us 
>>>> funds during UPA regime and UPA held that file 
>>>> under “Environment Ministry control – Remember the infamous “JAYANTHI TAX "? No one bothered about the disastrous effect on our armed forces. 
>>>> 12. India managed to bring back 4,500+ Indians 
>>>> from War zone in Yemen and also brought foreign nationals of 41 different countries, which put India’s name onto the highest platform globally in conducting that rescue mission – NaMo specially talked to the new Saudi Arabian king Salman and told him to allow Indian 
>>>> Airforce planes to fly – as Saudi Arabia was attacking Yemen and Yemen skies were declared NO-FLY Zone: thanks to this we got an assured clear window of a few hours and guys 
>>>> guess who coordinated this? Ajit Doval, Sushama Swaraj and Gen V K Singh. All in person.... When
>>>> was the last time you ever heard of ministers involved 
>>>> personally in such efforts that didn't fetch thousands of crores?? Guess the religion of those rescued?? But it isn't secular. 
>>>> 13. India’s Air defense was getting weaker by the
>>>> day, UPA was very happy to let it happen despite
>>>> repeated specific inputs from the armed forces,
>>>> NaMo renegotiated Rafale fighter Jets deal with
>>>> France personally and bought 36 Jets on ASAP
>>>> basis. At better than rack rates. No middlemen, no commissions... 
>>>> 14. For the first time after 42 yrs Indian NaMo visited Canada not to attend some
>>>> meeting but as a specific state visit, in a Bilateral
>>>> deal, India was able convince to Canada to supply Uranium for India’s Nuclear reactors for next 5
>>>> years. It will be of great help to Resolve India’s Power problems. . . . 
>>>> 15. Canada approves visa on arrival for all Indian 
>>>> tourists. . . B'cos of NaMo
>>>> 16. Till recently we were exclusively buying Nuclear Reactors from Russia or USA and it was much like begging kind of situation because they were worried about usage of Nuclear reactor for some other use. So only what they opted to give us, we could get. . Now NaMo was able to convince France and now France will make Nuclear reactors with the latest technology in India - On 'MAKE IN INDIA' efforts.. with collaboration with an Indian company as a
>>>> partner. . . 
>>>> 17. During 26thJan. visit of Barack Obama, NaMo 
>>>> convinced USA to drop rule of Nuclear fuel tracking and sorted out Liabilities rules which now open the gates for next 16 Nuclear power
>>>> plant projects. . . . Isn't this good enough to improve power situation in India? 
>>>> The paid media will ensure you never get to hear 
>>>> this... Spread the word.. It's worth the trouble..
>>>> Got this message, thought of sharing with many groups as many of us in India itself do not know what is happening behind the scene in Govt. u can either criticise or validate

Thursday, 21 July 2016


‘A young man without ambition is an old man waiting to be’ writes the American fantasy and science fiction author.
Ambition is the intent, a yearning or a motivating factor, a weighty or a compelling desire to achieve something extraordinary and to be successful in that effort. Ambitious people are enterprising and pushy to achieve the goals and targets they have earmarked in the interstice of their minds.
The name of King Suddhodana resonates in our minds as being the father of Siddhartha the prince who became Gautama, the monk and eventually Buddha the enlightened and compassionate one. This is an inspiring story for seekers, who wish to traverse the path of spirituality. The trajectory of the life of Siddhartha immortalised King Suddhodana.
Let us assume for a moment, that Siddhartha like any other prince or a king on marriage to Yasodhara lived a luxuriant life, procreated more children, expanded the kingdom of the Sakya dynasty would he have been memorialized the way he is now?  He may have been recalled as any other king of a republic but not as a mindful or an aware soul who through the eight-fold path he enunciated and other principles was able to establish a belief a faith, which is practiced by millions of people across the globe even after 2500 years.
Yes there have been extraordinary military leaders like Alexander the great, Napoleon Bonaparte or Babur who reigned over vast swathes of lands, but history remembers them only   for their tactics on warfare and perhaps cruelty inflicted on the vanquished than a Buddha who forsake everything yet became an emperor and is also revisited over centuries by authors, seekers, ordinary souls and philosophers, for the in-depth insight into the thinking pattern of what is called human mind. He defragmented the human mind like perhaps no one else could and pealed it like one peals an onion to decipher what it stores. And by merely becoming aware and mindful breathing an individual becomes aware of the mind and its various myriad forms. Buddha was perhaps the greatest psychologist to set his foot on planet earth.
 But, Siddhartha too was fuelled by a burning ambition and desire which fired his mind to traverse an unchartered course. There was obviously an implosion in his mind which made him forsake all worldly desires and passions to achieve unprecedented success and eventually carved a niche for himself.
There is an interesting anecdote about two coal miners who happened to be thick friends from England. Both were laden with coal dust, the grime of the mines and unhygienic living conditions. While one was given to ribaldry against fellow miners, the other was untrammelled in his thoughts. He went on to become a prolific blogger. His name is Wade Harman and is a recognizable personality on different websites.
  This is a quintessential story of the rise of an ordinary man who was battered daily in the cranny corners of a coal mine to the blossoming of his latent talent and then to become a recognisable face. Wade Harman waded his way through the swathes of anonymity of a virtual dungeon called a coal mine by igniting his ambition.
To possess a messianic drive or being ambitious should not be viewed from the prism of negativity. Creative people need to be ambitious. They necessarily have to be ambitious and result oriented in their output. However, their ambitions should be for the larger advantage of the society and not merely for self-aggrandisement. This distinguishes the metamorphosis of Siddhartha to Gautama and then Buddha and Buddha from say Alexander the great.
‘’ Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or very bad acts. Everything depends on the principle which direct them” said Napolean Bonaparte.  

Ambitious people could face roadblocks. But they overcome these problems through their mental resoluteness. Their minds possess the strength of an ox and the agility of a panther.
Such individuals are learners, and continuously upgrade their skills by reading, updating their skillsets, and being abreast with the latest technology.
Ambitious people let go of all negativities and inhibitions. Their minds brainstorm ideas, experiences, incidents, even outlandish ideas to create something radical. An”out of the ‘’ solution is their success Mantra. Brain storming is done individually or say in Sanghas.
They strive to become better thinkers, innovators and become adept in solving problems.
In case they get stuck in a mental quagmire, or an ossified environment, the mind reinvents and adapts itself by becoming stimulating and prepares a flow chart which leads it to generate solutions.
Ambitious people keep learning. A beautiful poem penned by a poet   comes to mind which are reproduced below:
“Learning is the beginning of a life worth living
Learning is the beginning of wealth
Learning is the beginning of happiness
Learning is the beginning of health
Learning and searching is where the process of creating your own personal miracle begins
Learning is the beginning of self-enterprise
Keep Learning!”
This separates chaff from the grain.