Sunday, 21 June 2015

Metro India , Secunderabad  contacted  me  yesterday  regarding sustainability of Yoga Day . This is courtesy our ABC team ( Vani Bala ). I had written  a piece ,  and part of which appeared today in the newspaper."


 Celebration of International  Yoga Day on 21st of June by 192 countries simultaneously is nothing short of a miracle and is akin to a cultural conquest of this ancient Indian tradition.  Kudos to PM, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Baba RamDev and Shri Jaggi Vasudev.The fact that United Nation has endorsed the project -  mission Yoga makes it sustainable .  The west  and several countries in Far East have adopted Yoga almost as a way of life.
However , any project can be sustainable if it is financed  ,  packaged, marketed   and promoted properly . This should not be a mere photo -op session  for celebrities and politicians . The government has set itself an ambitious goal of creating an infrastructure where it would be setting up Yoga centres across the country right down to the village level  and plans to employ almost 6 lac Yoga instructors .
The Associated Chambers Of Commerce ( ASSOCHAM)  on friday stated that " The increased  focus on Yoga by the government  , coupled with growing awareness about traditional Indian ways of dealing with stress in corporate sector has improved opportunities in yoga training with commensurate demand for trainers set to grow by 30 to 35% in a couple of years." 

Several allopaths  and hospitals are convinced that practice of Yoga , Pranayama and Meditation can  help in the  treatment of cardiac ailments, cancers, diabetes , obesity and blood pressure. In this direction  HH Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in his interview to CNN IBN  succinctly put it that man  has  to either reduce his wants and desires( unlikely), increase his time span in  a day( not possible) or reduce his stress levels . And practice of Yoga   positively helps in reduction of stress levels, much as the cassandras of doubt and prophets of doom may feel otherwiise.  

Fortunately , Government Of India and Corporate Sector have realised  the palliative benefits of Yoga to increase  productivity . But in the government  the  odd Babu  or bureaucrat  acts like a road block . The Government should consider  restarting   the  Government Executive Programme   with the Art Of Living   thereby  spreading  the awareness and benefits of Yoga , Sudarshan Kriya , Pranayama and Meditation among its employees . Around 1 crore government employees ( both Central and State governments)  can be imparted this training . Once the employees receive this training , their family members too would take up Art Of Living Programmes . Similarly the defence forces  and public sector need to take up the programme  to cope with pressures of modern living. 

The Corporate Sector need to park money as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility to promote Yoga and  its associated  practices . This will ensure healthy living  of the employees only to increase productivity . It was heartening to read today that  a corporate employee opined that  come what may , he does sun salutations despite his hectic schedule.
The next target are schools , colleges and universities to promote  Yoga as a way of  healthy living . Perhaps today';s young generation feel that only pumping of iron and acquiring a six pack ab promotes fitness and" health". But the human body is much more than its physical self , it is  a complex aggregate of mind , body and soul. More toxins are released through breath control that sweating on a treadmill.
Though a lot needs to be done  ,  a broad  road map has been laid . However how focused , committed   government  and private sector are remains to be seen . I am optimistic  and hope that government does not fritter away the immense popularity the event has generated . There would be definitely an odd Babu in the corridors of power and a recalcitrant corporate employee who would act as a stumbling block. It is a challenge to change their mindset .

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