Monday, 26 April 2021
With six minutes of warm applause, on the streets, balconies, windows, the whole Country applauded for 6 minutes - spectacular example of leadership and defense of humanity, chapeaux !
The Germans elected her to lead them, and she led 80 million Germans for 18 years with *competence, skill, dedication and sincerity*. *She did not utter nonsense. She did not appear in the alleys of Berlin to be photographed. She was dubbed "The Lady of the World" and who was described as the equivalent of six million men.*
During these eighteen years of her leadership of the authority in her Country, *no transgressions were recorded against her. She did not assign any of her relatives to a government post. She did not claim that she was the maker of glories. She did not get millions in payment, nor did anyone cheer her performance, she did not receive charters and pledges, she did not fight those who preceded her*.
Yesterday, Merkel left the party leadership position and handed it over to those after her, and Germany and it's German people are in the best condition ever.
The reaction of the Germans was unprecedented in the history of the Country. *The entire population went out to their balconies of their houses and clapped for her spontaneously for 6 continuous minutes. A standing ovation nationwide*.
Germany stood as one body bidding farewell to their leader, a chemical physicist who *was not tempted by the fashion or the lights and did not buy real estate, cars, yachts and private planes*, knowing that she is from former East Germany.
*She left her post after leaving Germany at the top. She left and her relatives did not claim advantage. Eighteen years and she never changed her wardrobe. God be upon this silent leader.*
At a press conference, a female Journalist asked Merkel : *We notice that you're wearing the same suit, don’t you have any other? She replied: "I am a government employee and not a model*"
At another press conference, they asked her : *Do you have housemaids who clean your house, prepare your meals and so on? Her answer was: "No, I do not have servants and I do not need them. My husband and I do this work at home every day.*
Then another journalist asked : *Who is washing the clothes, you or your husband? Her answer: "I arrange the clothes, and my husband is the one who operates the washing machine, and it is usually at night, because electricity is available and there is no pressure on it, and the most important thing is to take into the account the possible inconvenience for the neighbours, thankfully the wall separating our apartment from the neighbours is thick. She said to them, "I expected you to ask me about the successes and failures in our work in the government??"*
Mrs. Merkel lives in a normal apartment like any other citizen. *She lived in this apartment before being elected Chancellor of Germany. She did not leave it and does not own a villa, servants, swimming pools or gardens.*
Merkel, the now former Chancellor of Germany, the largest economy in Europe
How to Surrender
Sometimes I feel torn between the spiritual life (surrender to serving God) and the material life (being comfortable, secure, and predictable, assets and income, the attainment of ambitions, and the preservation of my image). I start to turn more to God, but the material life (in other words ego) pulls me back. Tug-of-war. Unhappiness.
What's the answer?
Some questions!
Am I unhappy now?
Do I want to be happy?
If I can answer 'yes' to both, that's a good start. The next part is harder: to change, I have to admit I have been wrong. What does that mean? It means my beliefs, thoughts, and actions have been wrong.
Am I willing to admit I have been wrong in my beliefs, thoughts, and actions?
Am I willing to be shown new beliefs, thoughts, and actions?
If so, then I ask The Guide to show me, moment by moment in each situation:
What would You have me believe?
What would You have me think?
What would You have me do?
Any resistance, fear, and objections I experience are the voice of the problem. If I have decided I want to be happy, then I have decided I do not want what that voice offers.
If resistance is strong, try these corrective measures:
Can I admit I do not like how I feel now?
Can I admit that I asked the wrong voice for how to view my situation?
Can I withdraw my question to that voice and start afresh?
The above never fails. It can be summed up by what my first sponsor asked: Do you want to be happy, or do you want to be right?
Tim @ First 164 Blog
Be Kind Wherever Possible!
((((((((((((and it is)))))))))))))
Always Possible Everywhere!
What About Members With Long-term Sobriety?
For all the good and right reasons, we pay a lot of attention to AA newcomers. They are the lifeblood of our fellowship, and tradition says they are the primary reason we have meetings. But what about members with long-term sobriety?
We're taught the seeds of relapse are found in attitudes that precede the actual picking up of that first drink.
While these might be easier to spot with new people, they seem much more difficult to detect in our friends with long-term sobriety.
Telling a new AA member to call us before picking up the first drink is excellent advice. But it almost never works for those who no longer have deep cravings for alcohol, because in a subtle, insidious way, they have entered into a private period (weeks, maybe even months) of irrational thinking about their lives, work, this program, loved ones, hobbies, the government or other drivers!
In other words, a dangerous form of alcoholic insanity has emerged. With nothing in its path to prevent it, drinking is the natural, instinctive reaction. Fortunately, we have ways to prevent this from happening. The bond of trust we establish between each other in AA is a powerful ally. If we confront those fellow members closest to us suspected of having difficulties, and if we do this with compassion and a willingness to listen and help in a true 12th Step Spirit, the outcome may be lifesaving. Following is a checklist of relapse symptoms we can watch for and help a troubled friend explore in a sort of short-form 4th and 5th Step process.
1. Exhaustion - Allowing oneself to become overly tired; usually associated with work addiction as an excuse for not facing personal frustrations.
2. Dishonesty - Begins with pattern of little lies; escalated to self-delusion and making excuses for not doing what's called for.
3. Impatience - I want what I want NOW. Others aren't doing what I think they should or living the way I know is right.
4. Argumentative - No point is too small or insignificant not to be debated to the point of anger and submission.
5. Depression - All unreasonable, unaccountable despair should be exposed and discussed, not repressed: what is the "exact nature" of those feelings?
6. Frustration - Controlled anger/resentment when things don't go according to our plans. Lack of acceptance. See #3.
7. Self-pity - Feeling victimized, put-upon, used, unappreciated: convinced we are being singled out for bad luck.
8. Cockiness - Got it made. Know all there is to know. Can go anywhere, including frequent visits just to hangout at bars, carry out's, boozy parties.
9. Complacency - Like #8, no longer sees value of daily program, meetings, contact with other alcoholics, (especially sponsor!), feels healthy, on top of the world, things are going well. Heck may even be cured!
10. Expecting too much of others - Why can't they read my mind? I've changed, what's holding them up? If they just do what I know is best for them? Leads to feeling misunderstood, unappreciated. See #6.
11. Letting up on disciplines - Allowing established habits of recovery - meditations, prayer, spiritual reading, AA contact, daily inventory, meetings - to slip out of our routines; allowing recovery to get boring and no longer stimulating for growth. Why bother?!
12. Using mood-altering chemicals - May have a valid medical reason, but misused to help avoid the real problems of impending alcoholic relapse.
13. Wanting too much - Setting unrealistic goals: not providing for short-term successes; placing too much value on material success, not enough on value of spiritual growth.
14. Forgetting gratitude - Because of several listed above, may lose sight of the abundant blessings in our everyday lives: too focused on # 13.
15. "It can't happen to me." - Feeling immune; forgetting what we know about the disease of alcoholism and its progressive nature.
16. Omnipotence - A combination of several attitudes listed above; leads to ignoring danger signs, disregarding warnings and advice from fellow members.
Excerpted from Akron Intergroup News, December 1998
Be Kind Wherever Possible!
((((((((((((and it is)))))))))))))
Always Possible Everywhere!
BREATH : A beautiful message 😱!
BREATH : A beautiful message 😱!
I noticed a child monk—he couldn't have been more than ten years old—teaching a group of five-year-olds. He had a great aura about him, the poise and confidence of an adult.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“I took their first class today,” he said, then asked me, “What did you learn on your first day of school?”
“I started to learn the alphabet and numbers"I said. "What did they learn?”
“The first thing I teach them is how to breathe.”
“Why?” I asked.
“Because the only thing that stays with you from the moment you are born until the moment you die is your breath. All your friends, your family, the country you live in, all of that can change. The one thing that stays with you is your breath.”
This ten-year-old monk added, “When you get stressed—what changes? Your breath. When you get angry—what changes? Your breath. We experience change of breath with every emotion change. When you learn to navigate and manage your breath, you can navigate through any situation in life."
Inhale the beauty....
Exhale with Gratitude 🤩
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Message
Gurudev' Message on Covid-19
*There is No Vacation from Wisdom.*
Sunday, 25 April 2021 |
*Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar*
The second wave of the Coronavirus is a critical challenge for humanity and calls for a heroic response to overcome it.
From availing of vaccinations, which is a must, it is necessary to cultivate hygienic habits and a disciplined lifestyle to stem the spread of this highly contagious virus. Our foremost responsibility is to strictly follow all prescribed protocols to keep ourselves and those we come in contact with, safe. There is no vacation from wisdom. Bringing the pandemic under control requires collective action. Everyone must do their bit.
The escalating global health crisis has reinforced the need for equipping our inner self-defence mechanisms too. Make sure you sleep enough, work out and meditate. Stress and anxiety weaken your immune system. Making asanas, pranayamas and meditation an integral part of daily life can change not just one's physical chemistry but also make the mind peaceful and resilient. A strong mind can pull a weak body, but a weak mind will mess up even a strong body.
This crisis serves as a reminder that no man is an island unto himself. I urge everyone to strictly follow the protocols enunciated by the medical community including frequent washing and santising of hands, wearing masks and social distancing. Interestingly, our traditional ways such as joining hands in greeting and the emphasis of Patanjali Yoga Sutra on shaucha (purity and cleanliness) show that these practices have been around for thousands of years.
Until we defeat the virus, continue to stay indoors, avoid travelling and going to public gatherings or community feasts.
Abstain from congregational prayers and rituals. Do not worry about not being able to visit the temple, masjid, gurudwara or church. Meditation and mental prayers are equally if not more effective than rituals.
By being responsible you will protect not only yourself but also many more people and reduce the burden on already overwhelmed medical facilities and frontline workers.
Various epidemics, wars, pandemics and natural disasters have challenged the human race before and they will keep coming, testing our ability to survive. Such times, as the one we are going through now, bring out qualities of the human spirit - its ability to endure and prevail and emerge stronger, kinder, and wiser. This is the time to invoke the valour in us, stand together and overcome once more.
I pray for the safety and good health of all beings.
Saturday, 24 April 2021
Growth and Development of your firm
Staying Calm and Cool
Please read this article published in Free Press Journal Mumbai today.
Regards Ravi Valluri
Beautiful words
Beautiful words
Written by
Sophia Loren (Actress)...
_" When I got enough confidence, the stage was gone….. When I was sure of Losing, I won……. When I needed People the most, they Left me……. When I learnt to dry my Tears, I found a shoulder to Cry on…… When I mastered the Skill of Hating, Someone started Loving me from the core of the Heart…… And, while waiting for Light for Hours when I fell asleep, the Sun came out….. That’s LIFE!! No matter what you Plan, you never know what Life has Planned for you…… Success introduces you to the World……. But Failure introduces the World to you……. ……Always be Happy!! Often when we lose Hope and think this is the end… God smiles from above and says, “Relax Sweetheart; It’s just a Bend, not the End..!"_
Tuesday, 20 April 2021
Msg from Sadguru* :
Msg from Sadguru* :
I do not consider this as ISOLATION/Lockdown having to stay at home with whom we love.
*Isolation is what the seriously ill are experiencing in hospital.*
Stop saying that you are bored, upset that you can't leave the house; *while everyone in the hospital wants to go home.*
So, thank God if you have to stay at home, because despite everything, with money or without money, with a job or without a job, *you are in the best place you could be, at home, surrounded by who loves you!*
Perhaps it is time to transform your house into a wonderful place to stay, *a place of peace and not of war, of embrace and not of distance.*
Anyway, look with different eyes at the situation you are experiencing !!
*Make your house a party:* Listen to music, sing, dance......
*Make your house a temple:* Pray, pray, meditate, ask, thank, praise, plead ...
*Make your home a school:* Read, write, draw, paint, study, learn, teach ...
*Make your house a store:* Clean, order, organize, decorate, label, move, sell, donate ...
*Make your house a restaurant:* cook, eat, try, create recipes, grow spices, plant a garden ...
Anyway ...
*make your house, your family, a place of love.*"
Make the best possible use of this *once-in-a-lifetime* opportunity...
Ashwatthama became very angry when his father Dronacharya was killed in Mahahabharata war. He shot a terrible weapon "Narayana Astra"on Pandava army. None could retaliate it. It could burn people and immediately destroy those who had weapons in hand or were seen trying to fight.
Lord Krishna ordered his army to leave their weapons and remain quiet with folded hands. And said, "Do not even bring the idea of war to mind as that would also destroy you". Narayana Astra gradually calmed down when it's time expired. In this way Pandava army was saved.
Battles are not just about attack and counter attack. Some battles are won by staying put and remaining quiet. In today's trying times, in order to escape the wrath of nature, we all need to stop going out for some time, remain quiet, stay in our homes and keep the good in mind, and let things pass.
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Monday, 12 April 2021
1) Krishna was born *5252 years ago*
2) Date of *Birth* : *18 th July,3228 B.C*
3) Month : *Shravan*
4) Day : *Ashtami*
5) Nakshatra : *Rohini*
6) Day : *Wednesday*
7) Time : *00:00 A.M.*
8) Shri Krishna *lived 125 years, 08 months & 07 days.*
9) Date of *Death* : *18th February 3102BC.*
10) When Krishna was *89 years old* ; the mega war *(Kurukshetra war)* took place.
11) He died *36 years after the Kurukshetra* war.
12) Kurukshetra War was *started on Mrigashira Shukla Ekadashi, BC 3139. i.e "8th December 3139BC" and ended on "25th December, 3139BC".*
12) There was a *Solar eclipse between "3p.m to 5p.m on 21st December, 3139BC" ; cause of Jayadrath's death.*
13) Bhishma died on *2nd February,(First Ekadasi of the Uttarayana), in 3138 B.C.*
14) Krishna is worshipped as:
(a)Krishna *Kanhaiyya* : *Mathura*
(b) *Jagannath*:- In *Odisha*
(c) *Vithoba*:- In *Maharashtra*
(d) *Srinath*: In *Rajasthan*
(e) *Dwarakadheesh*: In *Gujarat*
(f) *Ranchhod*: In *Gujarat*
(g) *Krishna* : *Udupi in Karnataka*
h) *Guruvayurappan in Kerala*
15) *Bilological Father*: *Vasudeva*
16) *Biological Mother*: *Devaki*
17) *Adopted Father*:- *Nanda*
18) *Adopted Mother*: *Yashoda*
19 *Elder Brother*: *Balaram*
20) *Sister*: *Subhadra*
21) *Birth Place*: *Mathura*
22) *Wives*: *Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati, Kalindi, Mitravinda, Nagnajiti, Bhadra, Lakshmana*
23) Krishna is reported to have *Killed only 4 people* in his life time.
(i) *Chanoora* ; the Wrestler
(ii) *Kansa* ; his maternal uncle
(iii) & (iv) *Shishupaala and Dantavakra* ; his cousins.
24) Life was not fair to him at all. His *mother* was from *Ugra clan*, and *Father* from *Yadava clan,* inter-racial marriage.
25) He was *born dark skinned.* He was not named at all throughout his life. The whole village of Gokul started calling him the black one ; *Kanha*. He was ridiculed and teased for being black, short and adopted too. His childhood was wrought with life threatening situations.
26) *'Drought' and "threat of wild wolves" made them shift from 'Gokul' to 'Vrindavan' at the age 9.*
27) He stayed in Vrindavan *till 14~16 years*. He killed his own uncle at the age of 14~16 years at Mathura.He then released his biological mother and father.
28) He *never returned to Vrindavan ever again.*
29) He had to *migrate to Dwaraka from Mathura due to threat of a Sindhu King ; Kala Yaavana.*
30) He *defeated 'Jarasandha' with the help of 'Vainatheya' Tribes on Gomantaka hill (now Goa).*
31) He *rebuilt Dwaraka*.
32) He then *left to Sandipani's Ashram in Ujjain* to start his schooling at age 16~18.
33) He had to *fight the pirates from Afrika and rescue his teachers son ; Punardatta*; who *was kidnapped near Prabhasa* ; a sea port in Gujarat.
34) After his education, he came to know about his cousins fate of Vanvas. He came to their rescue in ''Wax house'' and later his cousins got married to *Draupadi.* His role was immense in this saga.
35) Then, he helped his cousins establish Indraprastha and their Kingdom.
36) He *saved Draupadi from embarrassment.*
37) He *stood by his cousins during their exile.*
38) He stood by them and *made them win the Kurushetra war.*
39) He *saw his cherished city, Dwaraka washed away.*
40) He was *killed by a hunter (Jara by name)* in nearby forest.
41) He never did any miracles. His life was not a successful one. There was not a single moment when he was at peace throughout his life. At every turn, he had challenges and even more bigger challenges.
42) He *faced everything and everyone with a sense of responsibility and yet remained unattached.*
43) He is the *only person, who knew the past and probably future ; yet he lived at that present moment always.*
44) He and his life is truly *an example for every human being.*
Jai Shri Krishna
Thursday, 8 April 2021
Lolita , light of my life
Fire of my loins
My sin , my soul .
Lo - lee- ta:
The tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps
Down the palate to tap,
At three , on the teeth .
Lo. Lee.Ta
She was Lo,
Plain Lo,
In the morning
Standing four feet ten in one sock .
She was Lola in slacks .
She was Dolly at school.
She was Dolores
On the dotted line .
But in my arms she was always Lolita
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