Tuesday, 25 August 2020


 *Immunosenescence* is defined as decline in immunity associated with age.This is major cause of mortality and morbidity with advancing age. 
  *Why immunity declines-* It's a normal aging process and also due to recurrent infection and inflammation.
 *Effect of decline in immunity*
It leads to recurrent infection,autoimmue diseases and cancers.
 *How to enhance immunity* 
1. Stop smoking
2.keep drinking under control
3. Avoid excessive exposure to ðŸŒž
4.limit exposure to chemicals, carcinogen including man made hydrocarbons
5. Shed extra kilos as abdominal fat  increases risk of inflammation besides known risk of diabetes, heart disease and hypertension.
6. Regular exercise
7.Good sleep
These seven steps will go a long way in  enhancing immune health and reducing mortality and morbidity associated with advancing age.

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Instagram live this evening

Catch it this evening! Instagram live at 6.30pm ... @jashnevnts

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

*The Real Message of Janamashtami*



*The Real Message of Janamashtami*

Hare Krishna!

No one remembers that a girl baby was also born on the same day, who was interchanged with Krishna, a boy baby, to save his life. The boy's life was precious but the girl was born to sacrifice her life. Today is not only the birthday of Krishna but also of Yogamaya.

It is said that Yogmaya flew off to Heavens freeing herself from the clutches of Kansa while announcing to Kansa that your killer has been born. Scriptures do not clearly  mention that she too got killed like other siblings of Krishna. However more knowledgeable are requested to throw light on it.

Yogmaya was also an incarnation of Shakti who came to be born along with the incarnation of Lord Vishnu to keep some old promise. When Kansa caught her by her feet and hurled her to the ground, she flew towards the heaven, saying “Kansa, your killer has already taken birth. I could have also killed you but since you caught me by my feet, I take it as your expression of humility and am pardoning you”.

 *Krishna* was born in the darkness of the night, into the locked confines of a jail.

However, at the moment of his birth, all the guards fell asleep, the chains were broken and the barred doors gently opened.

Similarly, as soon as *Krishna* ( Chetna, Awareness ) takes birth in our hearts, all darkness ( Negativity ) fades.

All chains ( Ego, I, Me, Myself ) are broken.

And all prison doors we keep ourselves in ( Caste, Religion, Profession, Relations etc )  are opened. 

And that is the real Message And Essence of Janmashtmi.   

*Shubh and Happy Shri Krishna Janamastmi!!*