Saturday, 30 May 2020
Sunday, 24 May 2020
Once Upon a time on a highway
Hi, I am really happy that my story has been approved by the editorial team at StoryMirror and is now published on their platform.
Please do read my story and leave your comment, like and rating there. If you like my story, then please share it with others also.
Here is the link -
Gratefulness makes us happy
*I feel like reading this again and again & again.. hope u will also...
*A famous writer was in his study room. He picked up his pen and started writing:*
**Last year, I had a surgery and my gall bladder was removed. I had to stay in the bed, due to this surgery, for a very long time.*
**The same year I reached the age of 60 years and had to give up my favourite job. I had spent 30 years of my life with this publishing company.*
**The same year I experienced the sorrow of the death of my father.*
**And in the same year my son failed in his medical exam because he met with an accident. He had to stay in hospital with the plaster for several weeks. The destruction of the vehicle was another great loss.*
*At the end he wrote: Oh God! It was such bad year!!*
*When the writer's wife entered the room, she found her husband looking very sad & lost in his thoughts. From behind his back she read what was written on that paper. She left the room silently and came back with another paper and replaced it with that of her husband's.*
*When the writer saw this paper, he found his name written on it with following lines:*
**Last year I finally got rid of my gall bladder due to which I had spent years in pain...*
**I turned 60 with sound health and got retired from my job. Now I can utilize my time to write something better with more focus and peace...*
**The same year my father, at the age of 95, without depending on anyone or without any critical illness met his Creator...*
**The same year, God blessed my son with a new life. My car was destroyed but my son stayed alive without getting any disability...*
*At the end she wrote:*
*This year was an immense blessing of God and it passed well!!!*
*The writer was indeed happy and amazed at such beautiful and encouraging interpretation of the happenings in his life, that year!!!*
*Moral: In daily lives we must see that it's not happiness that makes us grateful but grate-fulness that makes us happy.*
*To all my lovely friends & family members...*
*Think positive*.
*Be happy. Stay Blessed*
Thursday, 21 May 2020
*”DON'T WE ALL" ?*
*”DON'T WE ALL" ?*
I parked in front of the mall sitting inside my car waiting for my son to get a few items from the supermarket.
Coming my way from across the parking lot was what the society would consider a tramp.
From his looks, he had no car, no home, no clean clothes and no money.
There are times when you feel generous but there are other times that you are just not in the mood and don't want to be bothered.
This was one of those "don't want to be bothered times".
"I hope he doesn't ask me for any money," I thought.
He didn't.
He came and sat on the curb nearby but he didn't look like he could have enough money to even get a good meal.
After a few minutes, he spoke.
"That's a very nice car,you got there," he said.
He was ragged but he had an air of dignity around him.
I said, "Thanks," and continued listening to the car radio.
He sat there quietly, but the expected plea for money never came.
As the silence between us widened, something inside me said, "ask him if he needs any help."
I was sure that he would say "yes" but I held true to the inner voice.
"Do you need any help?" I asked.
He answered in three simple but profound words that I shall never forget.
We often look for wisdom in great men and women and we expect it from those of higher learning and accomplishments.
I expected nothing but a pair of outstretched grimy hands.
He spoke the three words that shook me.
*"Don't we all" ?* he said.
I was feeling high and mighty, successful and important, until those three words hit me like a twelve gauge shotgun.
*Don't we all?*
I needed help.
Maybe not for bus fare or a place to sleep, but I needed help.
I reached in my wallet and gave him not only enough for bus fare, but enough to get a warm meal and few other things for the day.
Those three little words still ring in my ears till today.
No matter how much you have, no matter how much you have accomplished, you need help too...
No matter how little you have, no matter how loaded you are with problems, you can give help.
Even if it's just a compliment, you can give that.
You never know when you may see someone that appears to have it all.
They are waiting on you to give them what they don't have -
*A different perspective on life,*
*a glimpse at something beautiful,*
*a respite from daily chaos, that only you through a torn world can see.*
Help somebody, you are only a custodian of whatever you possess”.
*Let’s spend this lockdown period to reflect on life’s true meaning.*
*We come, we go; the in between defines who we truly are.*
*Remain blessed.*
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
An Unfortunate Child
Unfortunate Child
Karna celebrated his first birthday at Swami Nityananda 's Ashram at Rishikesh. The Ashram was at the banks of Ganges. Karna's mother along with her masculine twin brother Bhagirath and a one year old child went to seek Swamiji's blessings. They requested , Swamiji this was to be a private audience between Swamiji and the sibblings.
The Swami blessed with miraculous powers and hypnotic eyes acceeded to the petition with some reservation. Brother and sister strangulated the Swami and in a chilling manner Ganga tossed her son Karna into the tranquil river. A one year old Karna merged into infinity in the waves of river Ganges.
She was a beautiful damsel who belonged to an opulent family. Her parent's provided her and her twin brother with the best of education.
The prepossesing girl had a twin brother. She was called Ganga and her brother was called Bhagirath.
Pretty odd names in modern times of the 21st century. The girl was teased by her friends and so was her brother for bearing such odd names. The names certainly did not belong to the era of gen X , Y or millenial children. But the children accepted the taunts with dignity as they belonged to a spiritual family.
The reason for the peculiarity in the names of the sibblings was because they were were born at the banks of Ganges at Rishikesh in a hospital run by one Swami Nityananda.
The entrepreneur father who was blessed with enormous wealth and his wife a dancer by profession was a cancer survivor attributed their success in life to the benediction showered by the Swami.
Ram was a humble trader and Lakshmi a budding dancer but suffering from breast cancer who on the prompting of their close relatives entered the fold of Swami Nityananda of Rishikesh.
Upon joining the fold and learning various techniques of Yoga , Pranayama, Meditation and their unflinching seva they found a dramatic change in their lives.
Every year they spent close to two months at the Ashram and soon Ram struck gold in business and Lakshmi was cured of cancer.
Doctor's found no trace of carcinogenic cells upon conducting mamography on the dancer.
Ram and Lakshmi felt beholden to their spiritual master.
They were blessed with twins at the hospital of the Ashram and were named Ganga and Bhagirath by Swamiji. The couple accepted the decision of the Master without any question.
The family hailed from Haridwar , but as their business expanded and Goddess of fortune smiled on them they shifted base to Mumbai and were living in an upmarket flat.
Ganga and Bhagirath had grown up and were not particularly religious or spiritually inclined. They liked to jive at parties and have an occasional drink . This led to frequent showdowns between parents and the children.
But the writ of the parents prevailed and they were compelled to pay obessaince to Swami Nityananda and visit the Ashram every year.
It was mandated by the father that on ShivaRatri , Navaratri and Swamiji's birthday they were to visit the Ashram at Rishikesh without any failure. Thus the children accompanied their parents to the Ashram rather grudgingly.
The annual pilgrimage to the Ashram continued since their childhood. But the antipathy and animosity on part of the children assumed shape when they stepped out of their teens. They were now both 21.
Swamiji directed Ram that Ganga and Bhagirath were to receive Diksha and were to report to the Ashram on their 21st birthday.
It was a tumultous night , the weather was cold and river Ganges was turbulent . Both the children were escorted by Swamiji 's close devotees to the Kutir where he prayed and meditated.
In went Bhagirath and was imparted advanced Yogic techniques , a talisman and a Guru Mantra. " You wait outside and send your sister said the Swami," to Bhagirath.
Bhagirath was in a state of daze . He had to partake a glass of honey and milk . He came out drowsy and asked his sister , Ganga to enter Swamiji's Kutir.
" You need to have this - a glass of honey and milk " remarked a devotee. Ganga felt that the concoction was laced with a drug.
She entered in a haze and was shocked to see a naked Swami Nityananda. " Do not worry child , you will have a Divine Darshan today , you will see the creation and cosmos," said Swamiji.
He directed Ganga to massage his body and private parts with oil. Ganga was in no shape to protest and followed the diktat of the Swami.
Ganga lost her virginity at the alter of " Swami Nityananda 's band of spirituality".
An unconscious Ganga was escorted by a devotee out of the Kutir.
The following morning, the devastated sibblings with mutilated souls rushed back to Mumbai.
Expectant parents were eagerly waiting for the children . But they were too mortified and in a state of anguish and pain. Both brother and sister were sexually assaulted.
They sobbed in silence and shed copious tears. Bhagirath took to drugs and so did Ganga .
Mother could see pained expression in the eyes of her children . Her daughter was soon missing her periods.
A concerned Lakshmi demanded to know from her daughter," what has happened Ganga .... , I can see a bloated stomach on your persona,". " Are you pregnant, are you having an affair , your brother seems perpetually drugged or sozzled, he is not going to the gym and neither you for your customary jog,".
" Mom , Swami Nityananda is a fraud , a cheat and a mountebank. He has raped brother and me . We have been sexually assaulted by YOUR GODDAM GURU," she shrieked.
The frying pan from Lakshmi's hands fell, their was a hysterical laughter from Bhagirath's room and Ram dropped the candle he was about to place in front of Swamiji's photograph.
He came charging to the daughter , but was held back by an inebriated son and his wife.
The children wailed and narrated the events of their 21st birthday much to the dismay of shattered parents.
" We will avenge this asssult "said Ganga .
" We all will " remarked Lakshmi.
A male child was born to Ganga . And Ram named him Karna.
As they were approaching the first birthday of the boy , Ram sought an appointment for the family to have a Darshan of Swami Nityananda.
The family walked into the Kutir . Swamiji blessed them and enquired as to who was the kid. " A relative gave birth to this boy around a year back," said Ram.
Swamiji's face contorted. The parents went out . Bhagirath and Ganga remained in the Kutir.
News about Swamiji's death spread like wildfire and the campus was sealed by Uttarakhand Police. The family was taken into a police custody.....
Karan wore a beatific smile as he was floating in the water and the Sun God seemed smiling...
Karna celebrated his first birthday at Swami Nityananda 's Ashram at Rishikesh. The Ashram was at the banks of Ganges. Karna's mother along with her masculine twin brother Bhagirath and a one year old child went to seek Swamiji's blessings. They requested , Swamiji this was to be a private audience between Swamiji and the sibblings.
The Swami blessed with miraculous powers and hypnotic eyes acceeded to the petition with some reservation. Brother and sister strangulated the Swami and in a chilling manner Ganga tossed her son Karna into the tranquil river. A one year old Karna merged into infinity in the waves of river Ganges.
She was a beautiful damsel who belonged to an opulent family. Her parent's provided her and her twin brother with the best of education.
The prepossesing girl had a twin brother. She was called Ganga and her brother was called Bhagirath.
Pretty odd names in modern times of the 21st century. The girl was teased by her friends and so was her brother for bearing such odd names. The names certainly did not belong to the era of gen X , Y or millenial children. But the children accepted the taunts with dignity as they belonged to a spiritual family.
The reason for the peculiarity in the names of the sibblings was because they were were born at the banks of Ganges at Rishikesh in a hospital run by one Swami Nityananda.
The entrepreneur father who was blessed with enormous wealth and his wife a dancer by profession was a cancer survivor attributed their success in life to the benediction showered by the Swami.
Ram was a humble trader and Lakshmi a budding dancer but suffering from breast cancer who on the prompting of their close relatives entered the fold of Swami Nityananda of Rishikesh.
Upon joining the fold and learning various techniques of Yoga , Pranayama, Meditation and their unflinching seva they found a dramatic change in their lives.
Every year they spent close to two months at the Ashram and soon Ram struck gold in business and Lakshmi was cured of cancer.
Doctor's found no trace of carcinogenic cells upon conducting mamography on the dancer.
Ram and Lakshmi felt beholden to their spiritual master.
They were blessed with twins at the hospital of the Ashram and were named Ganga and Bhagirath by Swamiji. The couple accepted the decision of the Master without any question.
The family hailed from Haridwar , but as their business expanded and Goddess of fortune smiled on them they shifted base to Mumbai and were living in an upmarket flat.
Ganga and Bhagirath had grown up and were not particularly religious or spiritually inclined. They liked to jive at parties and have an occasional drink . This led to frequent showdowns between parents and the children.
But the writ of the parents prevailed and they were compelled to pay obessaince to Swami Nityananda and visit the Ashram every year.
It was mandated by the father that on ShivaRatri , Navaratri and Swamiji's birthday they were to visit the Ashram at Rishikesh without any failure. Thus the children accompanied their parents to the Ashram rather grudgingly.
The annual pilgrimage to the Ashram continued since their childhood. But the antipathy and animosity on part of the children assumed shape when they stepped out of their teens. They were now both 21.
Swamiji directed Ram that Ganga and Bhagirath were to receive Diksha and were to report to the Ashram on their 21st birthday.
It was a tumultous night , the weather was cold and river Ganges was turbulent . Both the children were escorted by Swamiji 's close devotees to the Kutir where he prayed and meditated.
In went Bhagirath and was imparted advanced Yogic techniques , a talisman and a Guru Mantra. " You wait outside and send your sister said the Swami," to Bhagirath.
Bhagirath was in a state of daze . He had to partake a glass of honey and milk . He came out drowsy and asked his sister , Ganga to enter Swamiji's Kutir.
" You need to have this - a glass of honey and milk " remarked a devotee. Ganga felt that the concoction was laced with a drug.
She entered in a haze and was shocked to see a naked Swami Nityananda. " Do not worry child , you will have a Divine Darshan today , you will see the creation and cosmos," said Swamiji.
He directed Ganga to massage his body and private parts with oil. Ganga was in no shape to protest and followed the diktat of the Swami.
Ganga lost her virginity at the alter of " Swami Nityananda 's band of spirituality".
An unconscious Ganga was escorted by a devotee out of the Kutir.
The following morning, the devastated sibblings with mutilated souls rushed back to Mumbai.
Expectant parents were eagerly waiting for the children . But they were too mortified and in a state of anguish and pain. Both brother and sister were sexually assaulted.
They sobbed in silence and shed copious tears. Bhagirath took to drugs and so did Ganga .
Mother could see pained expression in the eyes of her children . Her daughter was soon missing her periods.
A concerned Lakshmi demanded to know from her daughter," what has happened Ganga .... , I can see a bloated stomach on your persona,". " Are you pregnant, are you having an affair , your brother seems perpetually drugged or sozzled, he is not going to the gym and neither you for your customary jog,".
" Mom , Swami Nityananda is a fraud , a cheat and a mountebank. He has raped brother and me . We have been sexually assaulted by YOUR GODDAM GURU," she shrieked.
The frying pan from Lakshmi's hands fell, their was a hysterical laughter from Bhagirath's room and Ram dropped the candle he was about to place in front of Swamiji's photograph.
He came charging to the daughter , but was held back by an inebriated son and his wife.
The children wailed and narrated the events of their 21st birthday much to the dismay of shattered parents.
" We will avenge this asssult "said Ganga .
" We all will " remarked Lakshmi.
A male child was born to Ganga . And Ram named him Karna.
As they were approaching the first birthday of the boy , Ram sought an appointment for the family to have a Darshan of Swami Nityananda.
The family walked into the Kutir . Swamiji blessed them and enquired as to who was the kid. " A relative gave birth to this boy around a year back," said Ram.
Swamiji's face contorted. The parents went out . Bhagirath and Ganga remained in the Kutir.
News about Swamiji's death spread like wildfire and the campus was sealed by Uttarakhand Police. The family was taken into a police custody.....
Karan wore a beatific smile as he was floating in the water and the Sun God seemed smiling...
the King of Indraprashtha spoke only truth and nothing but the truth. But he
had one vice . He was addicted to the game of dice. Further he was also a
Kshatriya . And no Kshatriya five thousand years ago who followed the " Kshatriya
Dharma" to perfection could say no to either a game of dice or a battle .
If he did so , the individual would be termed as an effeminate or a
pussilanimous person and excommunicated. Such a person was made to lose his
independence pawn the property and family and become a Dasa( a slave). Thus to
protect his honour and that of the family; Yuddhistra had to accept the
challenge thrown by Duryodhana the scion of Hastinapur and also his cousin to
play a game of dice. At stake was banishment of ten years to the forest and
handing over the keys of the kingdom to the victorious team.
was hush and shush among the assemblage of several suzerains, a veritable
omerta and silence prevailed as the game of dice was about to commence.
scion of Hastinapur , Duryodhana made it plain that the dice would be rolled by
his uncle Shakuni. The crafty uncle was unbeatable in the game of dice. His
dice were made from the bones of his dead father. “These are my lethal weapons
and a powerful army and absolutely invincible," was the refrain of
were distraught as imminent defeat stared at their faces. It was also to the
chagrin and consternation of senior citizens like Bhishma, Dronacharya, Vidur
and Kripacharya. But the writ of Duryodhana prevailed and they were all
helpless. Duryodhana's father, Drtihirastra the King of Hastinapur could barely
conceal his joy and was impatiently waiting for the game to commence and
waiting to pack off Yuddhistra and the Pandavas whom he barely tolerated to the
forest for a period of ten years.
the roll of dice took place and as expected the Kauravas were romping home and
the Pandavas had lost everything at their disposal including Draupadi the
queen. She was enslaved and dragged to the court even though she was undergoing
her menstrual cycle much to the amusement of the lascivious Duryodhana. The
Pandava brothers and other elders in the family could not witness the scene. It
was disgusting to say the least. There was none to raise the clarion call of
protecting female rights.
Yuddhistra had not pawned his younger brother, Arjuna the fabled archer. This
was his secret weapon. Now Arjuna stood between imminent ten years of exile and
or a pssible victory.
in a most unexpected manner the Gandiva (bow of Arjuna) which was in the hands
of Arjuna metamorphosed into a flute. Arjuna began playing the flute much to
the annoyance of the Kauravas and Duryodhana the scion of Hastinapur.
the strains of flute wafted in the estimable hall of Hastinapur , Shakuni the
past master began faltering and Duryodhana lost the game. As per the rules laid
down it was decided that the vanquished team was banished to the forests for a
period of ten years and their kingdom was handed over to the winners that is
the Pandavas.
Team Yuddhistra luxuriated in victory and the entire Kaurava clan consisting of
Dhritirastra , Gandhari , a hundred sons , daughter Dushala , the venerable
Bhishma , the Gurus and Vidura were compelled to leave the sanctuary of
Hastinapur along with Karna a close friend of Duryodhana to the forest.
Yuddhistra the righteous one permitted his cousins to travel by bullock carts
as their chariots and weapons were seized.
who invariably scorned at Karna for establishing close links with Duryodhana
permitted Karna to drive his bullock cart. Both Bhishma and Karna had learnt
archery from Parusharama . However , Bhishma's
mind was gripped with fear that the chariot would get stuck in a puddle and
Karna would be unable to drive the bullock cart as he was a cursed one.
blind Dhritirashtra was stupefied at the turn of events and his hundred sons
were numbed. Bhishma and other elders however reconciled to their fate.
In a
few days time the retinue upon losing the game of dice dropped their anchorage
near a lake. They were exhausted and thirsty. Duryodhana could no longer the
humiliation and snuffed out his life by plunging into the lake. Some of his
brother's followed suit. Dhritirastra was devastated and asked his wife to
remove the cloth she wore around her eyes as it served little purpose to
maintain any reverence to the God's as they lost everything in their lives.
she attempted to remove the cloth, a Yaksha perched on a tree in the forest
adjoining the lake implored Gandhari not to do so as the consequences would be
a shattered Gandhari who lost her kingdom and several of her sons including the
eldest Duryodhana through drowning was brimful of remorse and anger and
unmindful of the consequences. She removed the cloth and a blazing flame
emanated from her hypnotic eyes which emblazoned the lake. A tranquil lake
which was the source of life to thousands of species including humans was
scorched and filled with litter, refuse, metallic substances and plastic.
elders of the family were shocked at this obnoxious behaviour of Gandhari the
pious one. Only Dhritirashtra was happy as water supply to Hastinapur and
Indraprastha was chocked and interrupted. “My nephews too would suffer,"
was his refrain. “Now they cannot savour their triumph as the script was
changed by Vasudeva," he added.
was apocalypse now!
Piggy Bank
Hi, I am really happy that my story has been approved by the editorial team at StoryMirror and is now published on their platform.
Please do read my story and leave your comment, like and rating there. If you like my story, then please share it with others also.
Here is the link -
*Don’t know why Dad is always lagging behind.*
*Don’t know why Dad is always lagging behind.*
1. Mom carries for 9 months, Dad carries for 25 years, both are equal, still don’t know why Dad is lagging behind.
2. Mother works without pay for the family, Dad spends all his pay for the family, both their efforts are equal, still don’t know why Dad is lagging behind.
3. Mom cooks whatever you want, Dad buys whatever you want, both their love is equal, but Mom’s love is shown as superior. Don’t know why Dad is lagging behind.
4. When you talk over the phone, you want to talk to Mom first, if you get hurt, you cry ‘Mom’. You will only remember dad when you need him, but did Dad ever feel bad that you don’t remember him the other times? When it comes to receiving love from children, for generations, we see that Dad is always lagging.
5. Cupboards will be filled with colorful sarees & many clothes for kids but Dad’s clothes are very few, he doesn’t care about his own needs, still don’t know why Dad is lagging behind.
6. Mom has many gold ornaments, but Dad has only one ring that was given during his wedding. Still Moms complaint of less jewellery while Dads don't. Still don't know why is Dad lagging behind.
7. Dad works very hard all his life to take care of the family, but when it comes to getting recognition, he is always lagging behind.
8. Mom says, we need to pay college tuition this month, please don’t buy a saree for me for the festival whereas dad has not even thought of new clothes.Both their love is equal, still don’t know why Dad is lagging behind.
9. When parents become old, children say, Mom is at least useful in taking care of household chores, but they say, Dad is useless.
Dad is *behind (or ‘at the back’ )* *because he is the backbone of the family*. *Because of him, we are able to stand erect.* Probably, this is the reason why he is lagging *behind*....!!
Sunday, 17 May 2020
The Migrant's Poem
Will you Walk with Me ?*
The Migrant Poem
As you miss your morning walk, can you walk this road with me...
I’ve helped to build your house dear sir, can you share my agony ?
Just a few steps, not very far, as the blisters taunt my feet...
Can you share a sip or two with me , of hopelessness and heat?
No one cares , no second look , no plane to bring me back ?
My child on hips, my future bleak, my life in one limp sack...
Unseen, unheard , no voice , no vote - the stream unwanted flows.
No open arms, no petals fall, the sound of closing doors.
My child looks up, eyes question me, to this nation I belong ?
No time for migrants walking home , but for spirit, queues are long ?
And yet for those who labour low, we have no wheel or bus,
No train, no food, no care , no speech - no fancy words or fuss?
We walk the walk, you talk the talk, watch tragedy with ease ?
Society sinks in symphony, dont miss the real disease.
“Oh give them cake , if there is no bread “, ignore their whine and noise;
And they’ll die down or disappear , a mass without a voice.
Snap your fingers when you need them next , and they will walk this path once more,
To build your home, or lift your load or mop your marble floor.
Migrant guest , you’re like God himself , remembered only in our need,
All other times , not seen , not heard, just camouflaged by greed.
These images will haunt us , the visuals take a toll ,
The hopeless eyes, the tired feet, a nation without soul!
Aatmanirbhar - too big a word tag along my path with me ,
I’m vocal and I’m local , but no one seems to see.
_I’m vocal and I’m local, but no one seems to see.
_By Anil Abraham_
The Online Meditation & Breath Workshop
The Online Meditation & Breath Workshop
Now you can learn powerful breathing techniques including the renowned Sudarshan Kriya, yoga & meditation from the comfort of your homes. Maximize happiness, cut down stress & unlock confidence with the Online Meditation & Breath Workshop.
The way you breathe can have a tremendous impact on your life. At the end of this online program, you will find that you have:
The way you breathe can have a tremendous impact on your life. At the end of this online program, you will find that you have:
- Improved relationships
- More focus & confidence
- Enhanced creativity
- More resilience
Duration: 4 days, 2 hours each
Multiple date and time slots available
Choose a program in a language of your choice.
Hi, I am really happy that my story has been approved by the editorial team at StoryMirror and is now published on their platform.
Please do read my story and leave your comment, like and rating there. If you like my story, then please share it with others also.
Here is the link -
Friday, 15 May 2020
Few of the less known facts of Mahabharata :- As received.
Few of the less known facts of Mahabharata :
1) Very less people know that even Lord Krishna played Game of dice with Shakuni. Also won the game even without rolling the dice against Shakuni(one of my favourite episode of Mahabharata)
2) Nakul and Sahadev were sons of Ashwini kumars(god of health and medicines). They were experts in Ayurveda, would make divine medicines and recover their wounded Army in the war.
3) Along with Arjuna, Sanjaya(Dhritrashtra's advisor and charioteer) also witnessed the Krishna gyan of Bhagwad Gita as Sanjaya had got spiritual eyesight from Veda Vyasa to witness the happenings in war field while staying in hastinapur.
4) Lord Krishna gave eyesight for a very short period of time to Dhritarashtra who was born blind, but Dhritrashtra himself requested Lord Krishna to take back his eyesight.
5) The dice of shakuni were made out of his father's bones, and would always obey his commands. One of the prime reason for the war.
6) Gandhari who vowed and covered her eyes with cloth post her marriage with Dhritarashtra to experience his darkness, broke her vow and uncovered her eyes once during the end of war.
7) Ashwathama(Son of Dronacharya) is one among the 7 Chiranjeevis (immortal) on earth.He was cursed by Lord Krishna at the end of war to be immortal.
8) Pitamaha Bheeshma's real name was Devavrata(Son of Shantanu and Ganga). He got his name due to his bhishamna pratigya ('fierce oath')
Pitamah Bheeshma was blessed with a boon from his father because of this oath, which enabled him to decide the moment of his death.
9) In Mahabharata , Arjuna was the only warrior to posses Pashupatastra which is the most destructive, powerful, irresistible weapon mentioned in the Hindu mythology. Arjuna obtained Pashupatastra from Lord Shiva.
10) Arjuna had total of 4 wifes including Subadra and Draupadi. Ulupi and Chitrangada were two other wifes of Arjuna.
11) Along with Lord Krishna and Draupadi,Dhritrashtra and Gandhari also knew the outcome of the war before it began.
12) Draupadi was daughter of King Drupad who was king of Panchal, hence she is also known as Panchali. She was born from fire and never witnessed her childhood.
13) Duryodhana was trained by Lord Balarama(brother of Lord Krishna) in mace fighting(Gada yuddha). Lord Balarama himself mentioned Duryodhana as best mace fighter in the world.
14) Bhima was considered to have the physical strength of 10,000 elephants approximately. He killed all the 100 kauravas which he promised.
15) Karna known as daanveer(daan-donation, Veer - Brave). He donated his kavach(Armour) and kundal to Indra(father of Arjuna). And he was blessed by Indra with Divyastra which was so deadly that once invoked while chanting name of enemy would kill that person. This was used to kill Ghatothkach.
Wednesday, 13 May 2020
Tuesday, 12 May 2020
Bhagvad Gita- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
The Bhagavad Gita is one of the most famous scriptures on the philosophy of life. Wars have been fought all over the world, throughout history, in different contexts, on various pretexts, but never has a war brought out a message so timeless and so universal in its appeal and relevance. The Bhagavad Gita presents us with a panoramic overview of all possible paths to reach the highest truth. It's the eternal song, because it's values hold good for all generations, for people all over.
This is a compilation of a series of talks on the Gita by Gurudev. By taking examples from everyday life, Gurudev makes his discourse simple and yet explores great depth in the verses of the song that Lord Krishna sang to Arjuna in the middle of a battlefield, the Bhagavad Gita.
*We will start 'Bhagvad Gita : Chapter 1 -13' knowledge series on Gurudev's Birthday 13 th May 2020* Please share the links with your relatives and friends.
भगवद् गीता विश्व के सब से प्रसिद्ध शास्त्रों में से एक है । इतिहास में विभिन्न प्रसंगों और विविध कारणों से विश्व भर में युद्ध हुए । लेकिन किसी भी युद्ध ने ऐसे संदेश नहीं दिया, जो अपने आकर्षण और प्रासंगिकता के कारण काल निरपेक्ष और सार्वभौमिक हो गया । भगवद् गीता सर्वोच्च सत्य तक पहुँचाने के लिए विभिन्न पथों का मनोरम अवलोकन प्रस्तुत करती है । यह शाश्वत गीत है क्योंकि इसमें सभी पीढ़ियों के लोगों के लिए जीवन का उत्थान करने वाले संदेश है । इसी गीत को भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने अर्जुन के लिए युद्ध क्षेत्र के बीचों-बीच गाया, यही गीत भगवद् गीता है ।
यह गुरुदेव द्वारा गीता पर दी गई व्याख्याओं की श्रृंखला का संकलन है । गुरुदेव ने दैनिक जीवन से उदाहरण लेकर इस प्रवचन को बहुत ही सरल बना दिया है और इस गीत के छंदों में गहराई से अन्वेषण किया है ।
*हम 'भगवद् गीता : अध्याय १ -१३' ज्ञान श्रृंखला गुरुदेव के जन्म दिवस पर १३ मई २०२० से आरंभ करने वाले हैं ।* कृपया लिंक को अपने रिश्तेदारों व मित्रों से साझा करें । 
Vaidic Dharma Sansthana
Jai Gurudeva
Vaidic Dharma Sansthan was established to further the ancient vaidic traditions and make them accessible to modern society. Thanks to contributions of well meaning individuals like your goodself, we have been able to further these lofty aims established by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji our beloved Gurudev.
We cherish this association and would like to build on it. Please do visit our website to know more about our activities.
In addition to the Rudra puja we also conduct regular pujas and homas at our ashrams -
The Ayushya homa : is conducted everyday. Is considered very auspicious to conduct on ones birthday.
Rudrabhisheka - Every monday in our ashrams and in various temples of knowledge
Durga Homa - Every ashtami and chaturdashi every month in our ashrams
Ganapati Homa - Every Chaturthi in our ashrams
The Upanayana courses are conducted by our swamis across the country and is the doorway to the veda for all of us who would like to learn chanting. Vivahas and other samskaras are also available on request. Please feel free to contact your local VDS coordinator or get in touch with us on email.
Looking forward to a cherished association.
Jai Gurudev
Vaidic Dharma Sansthan Trust
Sunday, 10 May 2020
Saturday, 9 May 2020
N. Ambika - DCP North Mumbai.- As received
N. Ambika - DCP North Mumbai.
N Ambika was just 14 years old when she got married to a Police constable at Dindigul, Tam ilnadu.
So she was a victim of Child Marriage. But she didn’t blame the system for her marriage. At the age of 18 she was the mother of 2 daughters - Aigan and Niharika.
Ambika’s husband works as a Police Constable in TN Government. One fine morning he leaves his home early to attend a Parade program and the guest were followed by the IG and DIG.
Ambika was curious to know about the honouring and respect given for the DG and IG. When her husband arrived home, she asked him about the DG and DIG. When her husband said that they were the senior most officers of the department, Ambika felt how lucky if she too becomes a Police Officer and rises to that level.
But as Ambika was married at a very young age, she couldn’t even complete her SSLC. When she spoke to her husband, he said he would support her dream and advised her to take appear for the SSLC Exam as an external candidate. She did that and cleared her SSLC. Later she completed her PUC and Degree Exams as an external candidate.
She requested her husband to permit her to move to Chennai so that she can go for the IPS coaching. He agreed and made arrangements for PG facility for her. Ambika’s husband was very cooperative and he supported her in every possible way. He makes a PG facility for her and helped her to get into IPS coaching classes.
Even after three attempts, Ambika failed to clear IPS. Her husband told a disheartened Ambika to come back. He told her that government has given him accommodation facility and by the time he retires, even he would have 2 stars on his shoulder.
Ambika requested him to give her one more year. She said, “If I don’t succeed this year, I will come back”. She felt that at least she could work as a teacher in some school and support her husband.
Luckily for her, Ambika cleared her IPS prelims, mains and Interview in her fourth attempt.
After clearing IPS in 2008, she gets into training provided by the Department. Her batch mate, Ravi D Chennanavar DCP Bangalore, said that she used to be very attentive in the training and was known to be a brave woman.
Ambika now works as DCP North 4 division in Mumbai.
If Ambika were to merely blame her parents for child marriage and curse her fate, she wouldn’t have become a DCP today. Instead of blaming the system or people, she made a brave attempt to change her future through hard work and of her husband’s support.
Today Ambika has become a role model for many and there might be many more Ambikas hidden among us!
Thursday, 7 May 2020
*Storytime* *From My Coffee ☕ Table*
*From My Coffee
*Things are to be used,*
*People are to be loved*
*Watch your thoughts; they become words.*
*Watch your words; they become actions.*
*Watch your actions; they become habits.*
*Watch your habits; they become character;*
*Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.*
*Story Of The Day*
While a man was polishing his new car, his 4 yr old son picked up a stone and scratched lines on the side of the car.
In anger, the man took the child’s hand and hit it many times not realizing he was using a wrench.
At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures.
When the child saw his father….. with painful eyes he asked, ‘Dad when will my fingers grow back?’
The man was so hurt and speechless; he went back to his car and kicked it a lot of times.
Devastated by his own actions….. . sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches; the child had written ‘ I LOVE YOU DAD’.
Moral of the story:
Anger and Love have no limits;
choose the latter to have a beautiful, lovely life & remember this:
Things are to be used and people are to be loved.
The problem in today’s world is that people are used while things are loved.
Let’s try always to keep this thought in mind:
*Things are to be used,*
*People are to be loved.*
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