Tuesday, 25 February 2020




In Hindu mythology there are two great epics. 

One is called Ramayan and other is called Mahabharata. 

The centre story of both these books is around victory of good on evil. 

In one story  Ram leads his army to defeat Ravana in his land,

While in the second Krishna oversees Pandavas defeat Kauravas in the battle at Kurushektra.

In Ramayan,  Ram is the best warrior of his side.
He leads his army from the front. Strategizes & directs different people to do things which will meet the objectives. 

His people are happy to follow orders & want to get all the appreciation for being the best executors.

Ram sets direction & also tells people what to do during difficult times.

Ultimately they won the war & the final outcome was achieved.

On the other hand Krishna told Arjuna, 

I won’t fight the battle. 
I won’t pick up any weapon; 
I would only be there on ur chariot as a charioteer. 

And he did what he said. 

He never picked up the weapon & he never fought.

Still, Pandavas won the war & final outcome was achieved.

So, what was different? 

It was their managerial style & 

it was also the type of people who were being lead.

Ram was leading an army of ‘MONKEYS’ who were not skilled fighters & they were looking for direction. 

While on other hand, 

Krishna was leading Arjuna who was one of the best archer of his time. 

While  Ram’s role was to show it & 
lead from the front, 

Krishna played the role of a coach whose job was to remove cobwebs from his protégée’s mind. 

Krishna couldn't teach Arjuna archery but he could definitely help him see things from a very different perspective.

Here are some of the basic differences in two styles:

Ram- A skilled warrior, lead monkeys, was emotional, gave precise roles & 

instructions, motivated the army to fight for his cause

Krishna: works with best the professionals, provides strategic clarity, allows team members to take lead, fights for the cause of the team, did not depict his true emotions

*Look at ur team/family & reflect what type of leader/parent u are,* 

*One who keeps answering/solving problems for people/kids*  Or 

*Who asks relevant questions from their people/kids so that they can find their own solution.*

*Are u someone who tells/directs all the time*  Or

*Someone who clarifies doubts & allows their people/kids to find their own ways.*

*Are u someone who has monkeys in the team & the way u deal with it* Or 

*U have the brightest experts in their area getting stuck with issues?* 

Younger generation doesn't want you to tell or show how things are done, 

they want to know the meaning of their task and how it makes a difference in this world.

*They are Arjuna’s who don’t necessarily seek more skill/knowledge but they need someone to clarify the cobwebs in their mind,*

*if u still apply  Ram’s style on them, u are bound to fail as a manager.*

*On the other hand if there are people who aren't skilled enough but rely on ur expertise to sail u through  Ram’s style is appropriate.*

*Isn't it good for us to reflect & think what managerial style will bring the best result for u and ur team/family ?*

*Is it  Ram or Krishna?*

*The Managing Leader vs the Coaching Leader!*

Monday, 17 February 2020




  By: Arnaldo Liechtenstein, physician.

  Whenever I teach clinical medicine to students in the fourth year of medicine, I ask the following question:

  What are the causes that cause mental confusion in the elderly?

  Some risk: "Tumor in the head".  I answer: No!

  Others bet: "Early symptoms of Alzheimer's".  I answer again: No!

  With each refusal, the competition is scared.

  And it is even more open-mouthed when I list the three most common responsible causes:

  - uncontrolled diabetes;
  - Urinary infection;
  - Dehydration

  It sounds like a joke, but it isn't.  People over 50 constantly stop feeling thirsty and stop drinking fluids.

  When no one is home to remind them to drink fluids, they quickly dehydrate.  Dehydration is severe and affects the entire body.  May cause abrupt mental confusion, drop in blood pressure, increased heart palpitations,
  angina (chest pain), coma and even death.

  I insist: No kidding!
  At best, this forgetting to drink fluids begins at age 50, when we have just over 50% of the water we should have in our body.  This is part of the natural aging process.

  Therefore, people over 50 have a lower water reserve.

  But there are more complications: still dehydrated, they don't feel like drinking water, because their internal balance mechanisms don't work very well.

  People over 50 years old dehydrate easily, not only because they have a smaller water supply, but also because they do not feel the lack of water in the body.

  Although people over 50 look healthy, the performance of reactions and chemical functions damages your entire body.

  So here are two alerts:
  1) * Get into the habit of drinking liquids *.  Liquids include water, juices, teas, coconut water, milk, soups, jam and water-rich fruits, such as watermelon, melon, peaches, pineapple;  Orange and tangerine also work.  The important thing is that, every two hours,
  Drink some liquid.  Remember this!

  2) Alert for family members: constantly offer fluids to people over 50.  At the same time, be aware of them.
  When they realize that they are rejecting liquids and, from one day to the next, they are confused, irritated, breathless, showing lack of attention.
  They are almost certainly recurrent symptoms of dehydration.

  Arnaldo Liechtenstein (46), physician, is a general practitioner at Hospital das Clínicas and a collaborating professor in the Department of Clinical Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (USP).

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  So spread it out!  DON'T FORGET TO DO IT NOW!

  Your friends and family need to know for themselves and help you to be healthier and happier.