Monday, 25 November 2019

Just a Drop

Just Drop*💧

Once a Crow, holding on to a piece of meat was flying to find a place to sit & eat. 

However, an Eagle started chasing it. The crow was anxious and was flying higher and higher, yet the eagle was after the poor crow. 

Just then "Garuda" saw the plight and  pain in the eyes of the crow. 

Garuda being the bird of wisdom spoke "Oh my friend!! That eagle is not after you to kill you!! It is after that piece of meat that you are holding in your beak. Just drop it and see what will happen”.

The crow followed the advice of Garuda and dropped the piece of meat, and there you go, the eagle flew towards the falling meat.

Garuda smiled and said "The Pain is only till you hold on to it. *Just Drop* it”.

The crow bowed and said "I dropped this piece of meat, now, I can fly even higher”.

*Do you carry  the huge burden called "Ego," which creates a false identity about us, saying "I need love, I need to be invited, I am so and so.. etc..." ???*
*-Just Drop*.💧

*Do you get irritated fast by "others’ actions" it may be a friend, parents, children, a colleague, life partner... and get the fumes of "anger "? - Just Drop*.💧

*Do you compare yourself with others.. in beauty, wealth, life style, marks, talent and appraisals and feel disturbed with such comparisons and negative emotions ?*
 *- Just Drop*💧

*Just drop the burden*  ðŸ’§ðŸ’§ðŸ’§
*And evolve & fly Higher..

Valmiki and Hanman

*When Valmiki completed his Ramayana, Narada said 'It's good, but Hanuman's is better'.*

Valmiki didn't like that and wondered whose Ramayana was better. He found Hanuman's Ramayana inscribed on seven broad leaves of a banana tree. He read it and found it to be perfect. The most exquisite choice of grammar and vocabulary, metre and melody. He couldn't help himself. He started to cry. 'Is it so bad?' asked Hanuman 'No, it is so good', said Valmiki 'Then why are you crying?' asked Hanuman. 'Because after reading your Ramayana no one will read mine,' replied Valmiki.

Hearing this Hanuman tore up the banana leaves stating “Now no one will ever read Hanuman's Ramayana” “But why?” asked Valmiki. Hanuman said, 'You need your Ramayana more than I need mine. You wrote your Ramayana so that the world remembers Valmiki; I wrote my Ramayana so that I remember Ram.'

At that moment Valmiki realized how he had been consumed by the desire for validation through his work. He had not used the work to liberate himself from the fear of invalidation. His Ramayana was a product of ambition; but Hanuman's Ramayana was a product of devotion. That's why Hanuman's Ramayana sounded so much better.

There are people like Hanuman who don't want to be famous. They just do their jobs and fulfill their purpose. 

*There are many unsung "Hanumans" our life...our spouses, parents, friends and colleagues....let's remember them and be grateful to all.....*

The Intrepid Swami

Thursday, 21 November 2019

*Karmic Connection The Game Of Boomerangs*

*Karmic Connection The Game Of Boomerangs*

Karma is the energy  we send out into the world in the form of thoughts, words and action.  It’s like an arrow which we shoot and after hitting the target it returns back to us as our destiny— our health, our career, our relationships, situations which come to us daily.  Very often we find ourselves feeling that we have always been nice to everyone, then why are things not happening right for us.  We start questioning the Law of Karma.  Law of Karma is a Spiritual Law. Universe returns back what we give  ( our thought, word and action) ..
      What we are experiencing today is only carry forward of our past karma...... for example, if someone is not being nice to us, has cheated us, let us remember they are only returning what we have given them before.  They are not wrong, it’s all very fair. We cannot change what they are doing , that is a return of our past karma, but we have a choice of how to feel and behave now, because that is our present karma will decide our  present (today) and future destiny.  
    If we choose to create hurt, anger, revenge now, we are then continuing the vicious cycle of negative karmic accounts.  If we choose forgiveness, compassion, stability , we are changing the quality and beginning a positive karmic account. We are creating our destiny. 
       We cannot change our past, but let us be careful in the present and perform positive actions . Our response today will 

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

We need Modi’s brand of shock and awe

We need Modi’s brand of shock and awe
October 04, 2014


Like the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland, India had slowly faded away from the scene, leaving behind images of the wordless, self-effacing uniformly clad prime minister at the end of UPA 2. It was an image which was easy to ignore, easy to dismiss as unimportant, even sneer at. And now like a thunderclap comes the new kid on the block, sartorially spiffy, quick with the acronyms and one-liners, wearing his humble origins on his designer kurta sleeve.
Ah, said the Cassandras, why does he need to be so vocal, why does he not get to work? Why does he need to go trotting all over the world, when people are not getting two square meals a day at home? Who is he trying to impress with the glib sales pitch, no one believes in India as an investment destination anymore? And so on. Yes, on the face of it, all these criticisms are valid. Indeed, perhaps Narendra Modi has been a little too much in your face for the comfort of some people. But the majority both here and abroad are relieved that they can see and hear the man at the helm of the ship of State.
In case you had not noticed, India, which was at one time the darling of the investors, had dropped off the radar altogether. No one was queuing up at the door, cheque in hand, to set up shop here. We were being downgraded steadily by the ratings agencies. People were giving us a wide berth. Scandal after scandal had reduced our stock to ‘highly avoidable’ status. And now comes a self-confessed small man trying to shake things up.
Yes, the show at Madison Square Garden was not in the best of taste, yes, the prime minister of India could have avoided schmoozing with the likes of Jay-Z at the Global Citizen Festival at Central Park, New York, but at the end of the day, you are talking about it, aren’t you? India is back in the consciousness of people once again. And that is what matters, not the immediate gain this may or may not bring.
And this I think was Modi’s gameplan. He was not planning to come back home with a bucketload of contracts, he was not reckoning on coming home with sacks full of money. His plan was to come home after having made India a talking point once again, aided by the garba diplomacy of the loyal Gujarati flock.
This is the Modi version of shock and awe. A neighbour who was looking longingly at Beijing is now all gung-ho about India. People lined up on the streets of Kathmandu to greet the ‘rock star’ prime minister. In the quiet Zen-like calm of Kyoto, Modi with his hugs and drumbeats charmed the normally aloof and imperious Japanese. India, they felt, was a partner once again, even one that could perhaps stick it to the Chinese. On the sides of the United Nations recently, our man was all over the place like a hurricane, meeting and greeting other leaders from Sheikh Hasina to the pugnacious Benjamin Netanyahu. Will all this amount to real gain for India? It will, though it cannot happen overnight. But the calculation of the man, who, many feel, is the natural inheritor to the mantle of Sardar Vallabhai Patel, is that once India gets back into the international lexicon as more than a place of dynasties and despair, maybe the good times will roll.
There is nothing else that he can really do, is there? As I see it, he is trying to pull India up by its bootstraps and tell the world we are here too and not half as bad as you think. Sure, there were some over-the-top moments, but that is just his style. And sometimes you need to be in-your-face to get noticed. After all, Dubya was not exactly a retiring soul, neither was Bill Clinton, nor indeed is our dear neighbour Nawaz Sharif. So, the kvetching that Modi is a little too loud for our genteel taste doesn’t cut any ice with me.
The problem, of course, is that this is the opening band before the real show starts. Modi has got the eyeballs, now he has to play out the concert. It has been far too long that India has prided itself on leaders who were rarely seen and even more rarely heard. It is not my intention to criticise those who have gone before. But for goodness sake, Manmohan Singh with his vast erudition, his economist’s hat could surely have done a better job of selling India to investors. After all, his credentials were impeccable. He didn’t, choosing to keep quiet as all around him fell apart, as the economy steadily went southwards. And now, upon the shoulders of Modi falls the onerous task of putting things back on track. And we expect him to deliver. He is doing that by telling people that we are open for business and he will patch things along as the days go by. He has no option, really, don’t you think? He has been dealt a really rotten economic hand.
Of course, the US visit has been the most high-profile but he has been relentlessly pursuing his agenda of making India visible once again and lay out the welcome mat whether to businessmen or tourists. The tales of food deprivation add to the Modi story. On a diet of little more than water, with not even a 15-minute vacation since he took over, he was selling the India story.
So I think the critics should put a lid on it. Would they prefer that we are just a strange and large blob on the map, at best a land of poverty and scams or a country trying to dress up and slap on the make-up, not too successfully, but getting there? It is a no-brainer.
So we need the peripatetic PM, on kem cho terms with Obama, sprinkling the world with his dhokla diplomacy. It might be difficult to digest for many, but we will taste a bit of success all around if he continues his dandiya march.
- See more at:

Sunday, 10 November 2019



1. TEMPLE  has 6 letters so does MASJID and CHURCH.

2. GEETA has 5 letters so does QURAN and BIBLE.

3. LIFE has 4 letters so does DEAD.

4. HATE has 4 letters, so does LOVE.

5. ENEMIES has 7, so does FRIENDS.

6. LYING has 5, so does TRUTH.

7. HURT has 4, so does HEAL.

8. NEGATIVE has 8, so does POSITIVE.

9. FAILURE has 7, so does SUCCESS.

10. BELOW has 5, so does ABOVE.

11. CRY has 3 letters so does JOY.

12. ANGER has 5 so does HAPPY.

13. RIGHT has 5 so does WRONG.

14. RICH has 4 so does POOR.

15. FAIL has 4 so does PASS

16. KNOWLEDGE has 9 so does IGNORANCE.

Are they all by Co-incidence?
Plz read full msg
5ive undeniable Facts
of Life :

Don't educate  
your children
to be rich.
Educate them
to be Happy.
So when
they grow up
they will know
the value of things
not the price

Best awarded words
in London ...

"Eat your food
as your medicines.
you have to
eat medicines
as your food"

The One
who loves you
will never leave you
even if there are
100 reasons
to give up
he will find
one reason
to hold on

There is
a lot of difference
human being
and being human.
A Few understand it.

You are loved
when you are born.
You will be loved
when you die.
In between
You have to manage...!

Nice line from Ratan Tata's Lecture-

If u want to Walk Fast, 
Walk Alone..!
if u want to Walk Far,
Walk Together..!!

Six Best Doctors in the World-
   5.Self Confidence
Maintain them in all stages of Life and enjoy healthy life

If   you   see   the   moon ..... You   see    the    beauty    of    God .....   If    you   see    the   Sun ..... You   see    the    power   of    God .....   And ....    If   you   see   the   Mirror ..... You   see     the    best    Creation of   GOD .... So    Believe   in     YOURSELF..... :) :) :).

We all are tourists & God is our travel agent who 
already fixed all our Routes Reservations & Destinations
Trust him & Enjoy the "Trip" called LIFE...