Sunday, 25 February 2018
Peace of Mind - Article in Free Press Journal
Sunday, 11 February 2018
Is ancient India overrated? (as shared)
*Is ancient India overrated ?*
A mindblowing analysis by *Chinese Ex Professor from University of Toronto*
Author: Pak L. Huide
Date: July 22, 2017
URL: ancient-india-overrated-a-mind blowing-analysis-by-chinese- professor-from-university-of- toronto/
Seriously? If anything, ancient India is sorely UNDERRATED.
I mean, *I’m an ethnic Chinese living in Canada.* But when I was growing up in Canada, I knew jackshit about India. Besides maybe curry.
I mean, people here have a vague understanding of Chinese history but they have NO idea about Indian history. For example, most people know that the Middle Kingdom is how China referred to herself but how many people know about *Bharat?* How many know about even the Guptas? People know that China was famous for ceramics and tea but how many people know about *ancient India’s achievements in metallurgy?* People k now about the Great Wall, but how many know about the *great temples of southern India?*
This is partly due to the lackluster historical records that ancient Indians kept and also partly because *modern Indians have a tendency to look down upon their ancient heritage and view western ideas and ideals as superior.* China also has this problem but not nearly to the same extent.
The discovery that the *earth is spherical* is credited to the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who was born in 384 BCE. However, very few people know that a man from ancient India established the idea of “spherical earth” during the 8th-9th century BCE. *The man was called Yajnavalkya* who first discovered that the earth is round. He was the first to *propose the heliocentric system of the planets*. In his work Shatapatha Brahmana, he proposed that the earth and the other planets move around the sun. He also *calculated the period of one year as 365.24675 days. This is only 6 minutes longer than the current established time of 365.24220 days*.
Take the example of Kung Fu. The whole world knows about the martial art called Kung Fu. The person who founded *Kung Fu was none other than a prince of the Pallava dynasty from Kanchipuram*, Tamil Nadu who visited China during the 5th century CE. He became the 28th patriarch of Buddhism and *established the Shaolin temple* and founded the martial art which became world famous today. That prince was called Bodhidharma.
But how many people know about that Kung Fu and Shaolin was founded by an Indian?
Precisely, if Indians are unaware of their heritage, why should they expect that someone else will know about their history and achievement?
The achievements of ancient Indians are lost in obscurity. India’s ancestors had invented many ways which eased the basic life of a common man. These inventions may seem primitive today, but we can’t ignore the fact that these were revolutionary achievements during their era.
The Indus Valley civilization is *known for the broad and the sanitized drainage system* which was no less than a miracle during those ancient times. But how many people know that the ancient *Indians from Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) were the first to invent a flush toilet?*
The people around the world use rulers to measure everything. How many people know that *Indus Valley Civi lization was the first to invent the rulers?* A ruler has been found at Lothal which is 4400 years old. Not only this, the people of IVC were *the first to invent buttons*. The world knows that the Chinese discovered the art of weaving silk dresses. How many people know that *IVC people were the first to weave dresses made of cottons?*
The ancient Indians were *first to invent the weighing scales.* Archaeologists have discovered weighs and scales from the excavation sites of Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Lothal etc. These scales were extensively used for trading.
Ancient India has given *Yoga to the world- which is widely practiced almost all over the world to keep people fit and fine.* Models, supermodels, film stars, athletes, etc. regularly attends Yoga session to keep themselves fit.
*Aryabhatta, Brahmagupta and Bhaskaracharya* were the three eminent mathematicians from ancient India who established the *concept of zero as a mathematical value in different eras.* Brahmagupta was the first to invent a symbol for the value “shunya” (zero).
Bhaskaracharya was the *first to use it as algebra.* The oldest inscription of zero can be found at the *Chaturbhuj temple in Gwalior fort.*
Ancient Indians were pioneers in the *field of chemistry* too. The person who first invented the *“atomic theory” was none other than Acharya Kanad from ancient India*. He explained the atomic theory using terms like “Anu”(atom) and “Paramanu”(nucleus).
Ancient Indians were advanced in *medical science* too. The great physician of the time, Sage Shusrut was the first to carry out different surgeries which included plastic surgery and cataract surgery. His works are composed in his book called Shusrut Samhita (The works of Shusrut). The world hardly knows about *Charak, the great specialist in medicine from ancient India*. He was the first physician to establish the problems and medicinal treaties in fields like *physiology, embryology, digestion, sexual disease, immunity, etc.* His works on Ayurveda is composed as a book called Charak Samhita (The works of Charak).
The Chera dynasty of Tamil Nadu invented the idea of *producing finest steel by heating black magnetite ore along with carbon*. The mixture was kept in a crucible and heated in charcoal furnace. The Wootz Steel originated from India, but today, is popular as Damascus Steel.
India’s monuments are grand and are probably, the only way others recognize the importance of ancient Indian civilization. India’s gigantic monuments bear the testimony of the greatness of ancient India.
This is the *Kailash Temple. It is a megalith* which was constructed by cutting out a single rock- a mountain. The whole mountain was cut from the top to carve out the temple campus.
This is *Dwarka, the grand and mysterious city submerged in the Arabian sea on the extreme west of India.* The submerged heritage is no less than a treasure bearing the pride of Indian race!
This is *Khajuraho, the marvel where the rocks* has taken the form. The best of our monuments are not built on soft rocks like marble. Our ancestors carved out even the hardest of the rocks to give it a beauty.
The grandest and largest temple in India- *Brihadeshwara* temple. Breathtaking, isn’t it?
India is the land of grandest temples and breathtaking architectures. The heritage of India can’t be encapsulated within a small answer! To end the answer with, I will now share my personal favorite- *The Sun Temple of Konark!*
The main structure of the temple was partially destroyed by invaders like Kalapahad- a military general of the medieval period. Later, the prime structure totally collapsed when British stored gunpowder inside the structure and it caught fire accidentally.
Even though the main temple is gone, the amount of what left is still breathtaking by every means. Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore wrote about Konark- *“here the language of stone surpasses the language of man.*”
The whole temple was designed like a huge chariot of Sun God having 24 wheels pulled by 7 horses. Each wheel had 8 major spokes denoting 1 prahar (Hindu time period of 3 hours). There was a huge magnet at the top of the temple which used to keep the idol of the Sun deity suspended in the air due to magnetic arrangement.
Still think, that ancient India is overrated?
Ancient India was a hub of culture and technology and the absolute capital of world spirituality. I could talk about India for hours. India is many things but OVERRATED is definitely not one of them.
Raghuvamsa (as shared)
Mahakavi Kalidasa starts Raghuvamsha, one of his mahakavya with the following sloka: Vagarthaviva Sampriktua Vagarthah Pratipattyaye Jagatah Pitarau Vande Parvathiparameshwarau.
In this sloka Kalidasa says it is impossible to separate the word and its meaning. The moment the word is uttered the meaning comes into our mind. The same is true with the Adi Dampati of the Universe Parvati and Parameshwara, they are inseparable. As one cannot separate the Sun and Sunlight so also Shiva and Shakti are inseparable. We have heard when people say one had become “Shaktiheena” (dearth of energy), if Shakti is completely drained Shiva too leaves the body to make it become Shava (corpse). Hence they say “Shakti bina Shiva Shava” Hence the form Ardhanareeshwara.
Once Maharudradeva was in seat of silence, Parvathi playfully came from behind and covered his eyes with both her palms. The heat from his body made Parvati to sweat and a drop of sweat from her body fell. From that drop of sweat emanated a blind child. At the same time Demon Hiranyakasha, the younger brother of Hiranyakashyapa was yearning for a child. The blind Child was given to him. He was named Andhaka. Andhaka grew and pleaded Brahma to restore his vision. Andhaka along with his cousin Prahlada ruled the earth plane. Andhaka wanted to conquer Kailasa and wage war against Maharudradeva. After a long battle Shiva killed Andhaka, but at his last breath he uttered the name of Shiva. Hence in the next birth he was granted the post of Shiva Gana (Shiva Army). He was reborn as Bhringi who along with Nandi was in-charge of the gates of Kailasa.
Bhringi was an ardent devotee of Maharudradeva. He would not adore anyone except Shiva. To make him understand that Shiva and Shakti are inseparable, Shiva took the form of Ardhanareeshwara (Half Shiva and Half Shakti). Stubborn Bhringi assumed the form of a wasp and tried to bore through the middle of the body to complete his obeisance to only the Shiva side of the form. Infuriated by his attitude, Parvathi cursed Bhringi to lose all that he had got from his mother. It is believed that our body has seven datus namely Rasa (Tissue Fluid), Rakta (Red Blood Cells), Mamsa (Flesh), Meda (Fat), Asti (Bone), Majja (Bone Marrow) and Sukra (Reproductive Fluid). The Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa and Meda are contributions from mother while Asti, Majja and Sukra are got from father. So Bhringi lost the tissue, blood, flesh and fat. With only skeleton he was unable to stand. Bhringi understood about the union of Shiva & Shakti. But he learnt it in hard way. Taking pity on his condition Shiva granted him a third leg to support his body. From that day Bhringi has three legs and he went on to become the dance master for devas.
This Puranic story is very expressive of the idea that Shakti is an integral part of Shiva. At the same time it can be understood so that nothing can be excluded as something that will not be complete without accepting the human angle to the divine. The physical aspect of our mind is inseparably linked with great spiritual comprehension. The Purusha and Prakriti are both tied and it would be so silly to avoid one for the sake of another, without understanding that they two are bonded to each other. Purusha is the highest Truth. Prakriti is Reality and the source of stimuli, the destination of responses, the fountainhead of experiences, desires, and learning.
Shiva’s purity and dispassionateness is balanced with Shakti’s involvement and passion. Both balance the whole universe.
Now, coming to today’s Feminism who declare war upon their male counterparts & also what they refer to as the LGBT community (Lesbian,Gay,Bisexual, Transgender); my understanding is that there is IMBALANCE in their PURUSHA & PRAKRITI. Points to Ponder…
Rudram Chamakam ( as shared)
f Rudram and Chamakam are properly understood, one would know that they are not merely some sounds, syllables and meaningless intonations.
They have everything to do with the Science of human DNA, reproduction and prosperity and a prayer for the well being of all.
The following small clarifications would unfold it:
DNA and Mathematics in Sri Rudram.
In the Chamakam, in anuvakas or sections 1 to10, the devotee prays for almost everything needed for human happiness and specifies each item.
But in the 11th anuvaka or 11th section of Chamakam, the devotee prays for the desired things not specifically but in terms of numbers, first in terms of odd numbers from 1 to 33 and later in multiples of 4 from 4 to 48, as follows:
“Eka cha me, thisrascha may, pancha cha may, sapta cha may, Ekadasa cha may, trayodasa cha may, panchadasa cha may, saptadasa cha may, Navadasa cha may, ek trimshatis cha may, trayovimshatis cha may, Panchavimshatis cha may, saptavimshatis cha may, navavimshatis cha may, Ekatrimshatis cha may, trayatrimshatis cha may, panchatrimshatis cha may, Chatasras cha may, ashtou cha may, dwadasa cha may, shodasa cha may, Vimsatis cha may, chaturvimshatis cha may, ashtavimshatis cha may, Dwathrimashat cha may, shatstrimshas cha may, chatvarimshas cha may, Chatuschatvarimshas cha may, ashtachatvarimshas cha may” which means:
“Let these be granted to me. One, three, five, seven, nine, eleven, thirteen, seventeen, nineteen, twenty one, twenty three, twenty five, twenty seven, twenty nine, thirty one and thirty three as also four, eight, twelve, sixteen, twenty, twenty four, twenty eight, thirty two, thirty six, forty, forty four and forty eight”.
Traditional scholars and pandits explain the significance of these numbers as follows:
1 = Nature or Prakriti
3 = The three gunas, namely sattwa, rajas and tamas
5 = The five mahabhutas, or the five basic elements, that is, prithvi, ap, tejas, vayu and akasha, (earth, water, energy or agni or fire, wind and space).
7 = The five sensory organs and the mind and intellect
9 = The nine openings in the human body, called the navadwaras.
11 = The ten pranas and the Sushumna nadi
13 = Thirteen Devas
15 = The nadis or nerve centres in the human body
17 = The limbs of the human body
19 = Medicinal herbs
21 = Important vulnerable parts of the body
23 = Devas controlling serious diseases
25 = Apsaras in heaven
27 = Gandharvas
29 = Vidyut Devas
31 = Worlds
33 = Devas
4 = The four ideals of human life, namely dharma, artha, kama and moksha,
(righteous way of life, wealth, desire, and salvation)
8 = The four Vedas and the four upavedas
12 = Six vedangas and six shastras.
16 = Knowledge to be obtained from God
20 = The Mahabhutas
24 = The number of letters in the Gayatri mantra.
28 = The number of letters in the Ushnik mantra.
32 = The number of letters in the Anushtup mantra.
36 = The number of letters in the Brihati mantra.
40 = The number of letters in the Pankti mantra.
44 = The number of letters in the Trushtup mantra
48 = The number of letters in the Jagati mantra.
According to Dr Sasidharan, these numbers represent a polymer chain of molecules that form apa or water that enables evolution of life and intelligence, and apa is nothing but the nitrogenous base pairs of the DNA.
The numbers 1 to 33 represent the 33000 base pairs of mitochondrial base pairs of DNA. The numbers 4 to 48 represent the 48 million nuclear bases of DNA.
The two sets of DNA bases combine to provide sustenance of human wellbeing and onward evolution of human life.
When the devotee prays for the blessing of these numbers, actually he is praying for bestowing on him all these DNA bases which conduce to sustenance of human wellbeing and happiness 
Article in Free Press Journal - Engineer a change
Saturday, 3 February 2018
Law of Attraction- Free Press Journal , Mumbai
Is ancient India overrated ?*
Is ancient India overrated ?*
A mindblowing analysis by *Chinese Ex Professor from University of Toronto*
Author: Pak L. Huide
Date: July 22, 2017
URL: ancient-india-overrated-a-mind blowing-analysis-by-chinese- professor-from-university-of- toronto/
Seriously? If anything, ancient India is sorely UNDERRATED.
I mean, *I’m an ethnic Chinese living in Canada.* But when I was growing up in Canada, I knew jackshit about India. Besides maybe curry.
I mean, people here have a vague understanding of Chinese history but they have NO idea about Indian history. For example, most people know that the Middle Kingdom is how China referred to herself but how many people know about *Bharat?* How many know about even the Guptas? People know that China was famous for ceramics and tea but how many people know about *ancient India’s achievements in metallurgy?* People k now about the Great Wall, but how many know about the *great temples of southern India?*
This is partly due to the lackluster historical records that ancient Indians kept and also partly because *modern Indians have a tendency to look down upon their ancient heritage and view western ideas and ideals as superior.* China also has this problem but not nearly to the same extent.
The discovery that the *earth is spherical* is credited to the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who was born in 384 BCE. However, very few people know that a man from ancient India established the idea of “spherical earth” during the 8th-9th century BCE. *The man was called Yajnavalkya* who first discovered that the earth is round. He was the first to *propose the heliocentric system of the planets*. In his work Shatapatha Brahmana, he proposed that the earth and the other planets move around the sun. He also *calculated the period of one year as 365.24675 days. This is only 6 minutes longer than the current established time of 365.24220 days*.
Take the example of Kung Fu. The whole world knows about the martial art called Kung Fu. The person who founded *Kung Fu was none other than a prince of the Pallava dynasty from Kanchipuram*, Tamil Nadu who visited China during the 5th century CE. He became the 28th patriarch of Buddhism and *established the Shaolin temple* and founded the martial art which became world famous today. That prince was called Bodhidharma.
But how many people know about that Kung Fu and Shaolin was founded by an Indian?
Precisely, if Indians are unaware of their heritage, why should they expect that someone else will know about their history and achievement?
The achievements of ancient Indians are lost in obscurity. India’s ancestors had invented many ways which eased the basic life of a common man. These inventions may seem primitive today, but we can’t ignore the fact that these were revolutionary achievements during their era.
The Indus Valley civilization is *known for the broad and the sanitized drainage system* which was no less than a miracle during those ancient times. But how many people know that the ancient *Indians from Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) were the first to invent a flush toilet?*
The people around the world use rulers to measure everything. How many people know that *Indus Valley Civi lization was the first to invent the rulers?* A ruler has been found at Lothal which is 4400 years old. Not only this, the people of IVC were *the first to invent buttons*. The world knows that the Chinese discovered the art of weaving silk dresses. How many people know that *IVC people were the first to weave dresses made of cottons?*
The ancient Indians were *first to invent the weighing scales.* Archaeologists have discovered weighs and scales from the excavation sites of Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Lothal etc. These scales were extensively used for trading.
Ancient India has given *Yoga to the world- which is widely practiced almost all over the world to keep people fit and fine.* Models, supermodels, film stars, athletes, etc. regularly attends Yoga session to keep themselves fit.
*Aryabhatta, Brahmagupta and Bhaskaracharya* were the three eminent mathematicians from ancient India who established the *concept of zero as a mathematical value in different eras.* Brahmagupta was the first to invent a symbol for the value “shunya” (zero).
Bhaskaracharya was the *first to use it as algebra.* The oldest inscription of zero can be found at the *Chaturbhuj temple in Gwalior fort.*
Ancient Indians were pioneers in the *field of chemistry* too. The person who first invented the *“atomic theory” was none other than Acharya Kanad from ancient India*. He explained the atomic theory using terms like “Anu”(atom) and “Paramanu”(nucleus).
Ancient Indians were advanced in *medical science* too. The great physician of the time, Sage Shusrut was the first to carry out different surgeries which included plastic surgery and cataract surgery. His works are composed in his book called Shusrut Samhita (The works of Shusrut). The world hardly knows about *Charak, the great specialist in medicine from ancient India*. He was the first physician to establish the problems and medicinal treaties in fields like *physiology, embryology, digestion, sexual disease, immunity, etc.* His works on Ayurveda is composed as a book called Charak Samhita (The works of Charak).
The Chera dynasty of Tamil Nadu invented the idea of *producing finest steel by heating black magnetite ore along with carbon*. The mixture was kept in a crucible and heated in charcoal furnace. The Wootz Steel originated from India, but today, is popular as Damascus Steel.
India’s monuments are grand and are probably, the only way others recognize the importance of ancient Indian civilization. India’s gigantic monuments bear the testimony of the greatness of ancient India.
This is the *Kailash Temple. It is a megalith* which was constructed by cutting out a single rock- a mountain. The whole mountain was cut from the top to carve out the temple campus.
This is *Dwarka, the grand and mysterious city submerged in the Arabian sea on the extreme west of India.* The submerged heritage is no less than a treasure bearing the pride of Indian race!
This is *Khajuraho, the marvel where the rocks* has taken the form. The best of our monuments are not built on soft rocks like marble. Our ancestors carved out even the hardest of the rocks to give it a beauty.
The grandest and largest temple in India- *Brihadeshwara* temple. Breathtaking, isn’t it?
India is the land of grandest temples and breathtaking architectures. The heritage of India can’t be encapsulated within a small answer! To end the answer with, I will now share my personal favorite- *The Sun Temple of Konark!*
The main structure of the temple was partially destroyed by invaders like Kalapahad- a military general of the medieval period. Later, the prime structure totally collapsed when British stored gunpowder inside the structure and it caught fire accidentally.
Even though the main temple is gone, the amount of what left is still breathtaking by every means. Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore wrote about Konark- *“here the language of stone surpasses the language of man.*”
The whole temple was designed like a huge chariot of Sun God having 24 wheels pulled by 7 horses. Each wheel had 8 major spokes denoting 1 prahar (Hindu time period of 3 hours). There was a huge magnet at the top of the temple which used to keep the idol of the Sun deity suspended in the air due to magnetic arrangement.
Still think, that ancient India is overrated?
Ancient India was a hub of culture and technology and the absolute capital of world spirituality. I could talk about India for hours. India is many things but OVERRATED is definitely not one of them.
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